Well of Entropy

Nestled at the heart of the multiverse lies the Well of Entropy, a realm of ceaseless decay and inexorable dissolution. In stark contrast to its creative counterpart, the Well of Creation, this realm serves as the wellspring of entropy itself, imbuing The Cube—the encompassing sphere that unites all—with the essence of disintegration and oblivion.   The Well of Entropy presents a realm that defies all principles of life and order. Its landscapes are eroded, decaying, and perpetually crumbling into dust. Mountains crumble into valleys, rivers run dry, and cities stand as haunting, half-ruined specters of their former glory.   Here, the principles of entropy reign supreme, and their influence is tangible in every withering leaf, crumbling stone, and fading memory. Time itself is an instrument of decay, erasing the past with relentless indifference, as the realm slowly succumbs to the inevitability of dissolution.   The Well of Entropy serves as the primordial source of destructive forces, bestowing upon the multiverse the inexorable gifts of decay, disintegration, and annihilation. Mortals and planar beings alike draw upon this realm's destructive power, using it to unravel the threads of existence itself.   Yet, the unbridled force of Entropy carries a profound and immediate risk. Those who dare to touch it find themselves rapidly and irreversibly transformed into dust and nothingness, their essence consumed by the relentless pull of decay. It is the Cube's solemn duty to contain and regulate the raw power of entropy, preventing the complete erosion of existence.   Venturing into the Well of Entropy is an agonizing journey into the heart of dissolution, where time eats away at all things without remorse. Those who return from its depths are often little more than echoes of their former selves, their existence forever marked by the corrosive touch of the abyss.   The Well of Entropy stands as a testament to the relentless march of decay and dissolution, a realm where all things crumble, and all forms of life eventually succumb to the inexorable forces of time. Within its withering landscapes lies both the promise of ultimate oblivion and the looming specter of becoming one with the void.
Alternative Name(s)
Abyss of Dissolution
Planar Sphere/Grouping


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