Well of Evil

At the heart of the multiverse lies the Well of Evil, a realm of boundless darkness and insidious corruption. In stark contrast to its benevolent counterpart, the Well of Good, this realm serves as the wellspring of evil itself, infusing The Cube—the encompassing sphere that unites all—with the essence of malevolence, selfishness, and the unending clash of morality.   The Well of Evil emerges as a realm cloaked in eternal darkness, where twisted landscapes are wrought with sinister beauty. Corrupted forests thrive in shadows, rivers run black with venomous currents, and cities stand as monuments to the supremacy of deceit.   Here, the principles of evil reign supreme, and their influence is palpable in every selfish act, every whisper of betrayal, and every whisper of malevolence. Time unravels like a sinister riddle, where moments are tainted by the seductive allure of wickedness. Evil is a temptation that beckons, leading souls toward the path of darkness.   The Well of Evil serves as the primordial source of malevolent forces, bestowing upon the multiverse the gifts of ambition, deception, and the relentless pursuit of self-interest. Mortals and planar beings alike draw upon this realm's malevolent power to further their own agendas, often at the expense of others.   However, the unbridled force of Evil, when taken to extremes, carries its own set of risks. Those who surrender wholly to selfish desires risk losing the essence of what makes them mortal—free will. Excessive malevolence may render individuals unable to change themselves, for better or worse, their lives forever dedicated to a path of darkness.   Venturing into the Well of Evil is a treacherous journey into the heart of malevolence, where every temptation tests one's resolve, and every choice tugs at the soul's moral fabric. Those who return from its depths bear the stain of darkness, forever haunted by the allure of malevolence.   The Well of Evil stands as a testament to the insidious allure of selfishness and corruption, a realm where every choice is a step deeper into darkness, and every soul wrestles with the seductive power of evil. Within its shadowy landscapes lies both the promise of boundless ambition and the delicate balance of free will, the very essence of mortal life.
Alternative Name(s)
Abyss of Malevolence
Planar Sphere/Grouping


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