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Major Nation

Decan, a secluded and enigmatic nation, stands as a testament to the enduring power of ethnic nationalism. Nestled within its borders, the people of Decan have maintained a fiercely independent identity and an unwavering commitment to preserving their cultural heritage for over a three centuries. The nation's decision to close its borders and construct a colossal metal wall over the span of 200 years, blocking common trade routes has had far-reaching consequences, transformed Decan into an isolated and mysterious enclave on the world stage.  

Geography and Isolation

Decan's geography is diverse and picturesque, with sprawling landscapes that range from rugged mountain ranges to lush forests and serene valleys. Despite its natural beauty, the nation is marked by a distinct aura of solitude. The massive metal wall that encircles its borders is a formidable barrier that separates Decan from the outside world. This towering structure, known as the "Iron Divide," was erected with meticulous craftsmanship and is impervious to trespassers, effectively sealing the nation off from the global community.  

Ethnic Nationalism

Decan's society is deeply rooted in ethnic nationalism, emphasizing the importance of preserving its unique cultural traditions, language, and heritage. The citizens of Decan take immense pride in their ancestry and have striven to safeguard their way of life from outside influences. This unwavering commitment to ethnic identity has shaped the nation's policies and attitudes over the years.  

Xenophobia and Isolationism

In recent decades, a palpable sense of xenophobia has taken hold within Decan. The nation's leaders have implemented increasingly strict immigration policies and enacted laws that discourage contact with foreigners. Most notably, traders who once thrived on the bustling trade routes leading into Decan have been systematically turned away. Rumors swirl among those few who have managed to glimpse the nation's interior, suggesting that outsiders are met with suspicion, if not outright hostility.  

Rumors and Speculation

The mysterious veil shrouding Decan has led to a myriad of rumors and speculation among traders and neighboring nations. Some whisper of a hidden agenda or dark secrets lurking behind the Iron Divide. Others speculate that the nation is amassing immense wealth or conducting clandestine experiments. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is clear: Decan remains an enigma, its people steadfast in their determination to protect their cultural heritage at any cost.   As the years pass, the once-flourishing trade routes to Decan have fallen into disuse, and the nation has become a symbol of isolationism in a world increasingly interconnected. The fate of Decan, its people, and the mysteries concealed behind its towering metal wall continue to captivate the imagination of those on the outside, while its citizens remain resolute in their commitment to preserving their unique identity, isolated from the currents of the changing world.

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