
Bacchus is a relatively recent addition to the Teutonian pantheon, who fostered in the early tribes the need for settling upon the tenets of law and civilisation. Once the people became less nomadic, advances came thick and fast, enabling a higher standard of living within which Bacchus thrived. However, he became acutely aware that civilisation is worth protecting.
Bacchus signifies all that people have achieved under the guidance of the Gods and will put steel into the soul of his followers should he feel that his precious Teutonia is under threat.

Bacchus is worshiped by a wide range of souls. Alchemists and crafters worship through their craft, whereas ritualists are drawn by his learned, law-driven side and warriors are satisfied that their hard work and diligence is rewarded and that they protect those whose contributions make garrison duty so much more comfortable and appealing. He is especially revered by vintners, and the finest of wines and spirits are attributed to his good grace and inspiration.  

Divine Domains

God of Civilisation and Culture  

Tenets of Faith

Civilisation is to be earned: Hard work and people working together can create something far greater than the sum of its parts.

The law is just, not fair: The law is the very foundation of society; break it at your peril.

Honour thy family: Family is important, both your own and the family of Teutonia. Do everything you can to help both improve and prosper.

Work hard, but enjoy: Building a civilisation as great as Teutonia is hard work. Be prepared to relish the fruits of your labour from time to time.

Expand your civilisation: Always be open to new thoughts and ideas, don’t dismiss them out of hand. However, do not adopt an idea just because it is new.  


The Church of Bacchus celebrates the formal opening and closing of the Reichstag and the Senate in the spring and late summer.
The end of the harvest is an important event and is always marked, but the church of Bacchus will celebrate other events of importance to Teutonian culture: Bratfest and the infamous Oktoberfest in Munich were once well-known Bacchite festivals.  
Related Myths


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