Lady Anne Von Wolfsburg

Prince Elector Visgraf Anne Von Wolfsburg (a.k.a. Lady Wolfsburg, Black Anne)

Anne Von Wolfsburg is the current ruler of the State of Wolfsburg, a role she inherited following the "death" of her husband Darius. Before the marriage Anne was a privateer in the Royal Teutonian Navy serving as an Alchemist, she then became High Alchemist in the Tuetonian Warhost.
Following her marriage with Lord Darius she was granted the noble rank of Visgraf. Along with Darius she was made a Prince Elector by King Frederic Von Hapsburg.
Since the disappearance and presumed Death of her husband, rule of the city-state fell to Lady Anne. She left the warhost to concentrate on ruling and has become a major political figure within the nation.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince Elector of Teutonia,
Visgraf of Wolfsburg,
Lady Wolfsburg,
High Alchemist (formally)
Privateer (formally)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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