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A World of Stories

Hello and welcome dear reader! I hope your journey here has been pleasant? Please sit back and relax while you enjoy the many stories on offer. The articles you will find here include many interesting facts and stories about Th'anda, as well as extracts from larger works that have been composed by a variety of colourful characters who live there. The world itself is primarily the setting for many novels that I have planned and are currently under construction. Some of the articles will be written from my perspective while others as mentioned will be from the perspective of in universe characters. I hope to share some of my love for storytelling through these articles as the people of Th'anda are also lovers of a good yarn.

Th'anda as a Setting

The world of Th’anda was created by the two primordial forces of Chaos and Order. Neither could create on their own but the combination of their power brought universe into existence. Chaos and Order do not posses sentience in the true sense of the word for they are beyond mortal, or even immortal thought. The universe in which Th’anda finds itself is full of many other worlds with sentient populations however none have discovered a means to travel between them as yet and so little is known about them.
Th’anda itself has a diverse population of plant and animal life that were specifically created by four Aspects of Chaos and Order that are worshiped by the people of the Unified Realms, as well as a few other religions around the world. These aspects are known to their followers on Th’anda as the Lord, the Lady, the Mother and the Father. While it is true to say that these Aspects were the ones to specifically create life on Th’anda, a lot of the mythology surrounding that time is just that - mythology.
There are many different types of magic in this universe though it is rare to find more than one or two distinct practices on an individual planet. This is not the case on Th’anda though all types of magic do draw their power from the Aspects of Chaos, Order or the interplay between them. Th’anda itself boasts a myriad of magical practices some of which are unique in the universe and others that can be found in elsewhere. Some believe that the concentration of magic on Th’anda is due to it being the first planet to be interfered with after the initial creation of the universe.
Despite the variety in function and form, there is one universal law of magic. There must always be balance in the universe and so the effect of any type of magic is always offset by a cost of some sort. The exact effects and costs are hugely varied but they are always present. The world cannot exist without Chaos and Order.

Room for Improvement

This world is as ever-changing as is my creative process so please feel free to comment with suggestions for improvement, both in my worldbuilding and in my writing technique. I'm always happy to receive constructive criticism and any ideas that you have for article topics you'd like to see would be welcomed with open arms. Please enjoy your time in the world of Th'anda!