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Mental characteristics

Personal history

The rat trials. We were called lab rats. Made for the sole purpose of experimentation for our rise to take over. Claim land for ratfolk. Were either infused with some new alchemical biological liquid or limbs, organs, and even parts of our very being were altered. I was one of the lucky few who survived. They were testing the uses of of electricity to the brain to cause us to never tire. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect on most of us due to being dead after first initial shock was induced. I on the other hand was either lucky or some God took pity on me. My brain became scarred and forever changed. Although I had no physical mutations, or any cognitive issues. There was a constant reminder of what happened to me. The electricity that entered my brain caused my nervous system basically not work. Couldn't feel pain. Could touch smell taste. But if there was a bullet in me I wouldn't know. I can still feel the blood coming out of me the warmth it causes. But I wouldn't know if the pain was bad until the looks of horror. So I couldn't feel pain. And if you looked beneath the fur on my head you'd see a scar around my frontal lobe. But since I lost a sense of pain, I started feeling the pain of sadness and pain of anger. Made its way and developed into music. In a way the only true way I was able to somewhat feel what I should feel is by music. I made music for coin that was owed to me. Cus traveling in a caravan you have to give back to the rat pack. I would eventually protect the caravan and entertain. Later on we would eventually set up a merchant tent in a bazaar. The humans didn't treat me like how I was raised, I was always told they would spit on us before speaking , but I found out that it never mattered if there was something worth while to trade. And humans weren't so different a little too dumb for their own good, but they understood a good deal, (even if you lied to their face) after a while the trading stopped rat pack disbanded, I know it was due to a deal gone bad. Mostly my fault, I lured my own friends into a trap, so I can get all the money myself. But in the end I didn't need anyone. Or at least that's what I thought. When you think you can take the whole world on your own and you don't feel pain. You can end up dead. Or at least near death. From trying to intimidate a local and then it going dark all the sudden, and waking up a week later put a lot into perspective. I needed to find some help. Whether that be group of rats again. Or a new group. Coming out with a fresh new idea. And currently just paid bail of 300g. Might look for some new business ventures.     I was named Gratz due to being one of the few test subjects who survived. My last name was given to me with my fellow caravan members. Gratz windpipe. If you heard the name you probably would be a bounty hunter or part of the police. Of city insert name here. After near death I vowed to not let mistakes cause me anything. So either be perfect or be near perfect. I had to rebuild my rat pack. The sewers was our home there were plenty of fellow rat folk to work with. I wanted to try to not stirr up with crime since losing my first family due to being naive with Crime, thought easy money would be easy for everyone, but was not the case. Then I met my wife Danielle, she was beautiful and caring, I called her my mouse, it was a little joke because I wrote a poem trying to say she was musical muse, but I couldn't spell for shit. I romanced with flowers and music, and soon we got married. But crime had a new name, her father asked me to join the family business, and so I joined the WaterCrazin mafia. I was good at talking our way out of trouble, I tried to do good to the community and help out more, instead of just cause more pain. But the criminal activity was always the main source of income, the money we stole from one person was given to our own made the ways we went about helping others more a lie on top of a lie, I spoke up about it a few times, and people agreed that we should try a different approach, my ambition got the better of me again, and I tried to push for change. And that kicked my father in law out of power and placed me in charge, I started removing ourselves from extortion, drug selling, and changing into what we ratfolk do well, creating gadgets to sell, instead of drugs to hinder and addict, potions and chemicals to heal or just work for local businesses. I was even planning to make a wand making shop to sell for adventurers, I finanally was able to feel happy and content just like my first family felt on that caravan so many years ago, I had a wife and 3 sons, and our community never felt stronger. I thought I was being smart, living life how it should be, but instead I lost it all. I planned to keep at the business and die an old man. But the former Don came back, Branson came back with the help of our former rival gang, he ambushed us. Lined up my 3 sons and wife in front of the whole pack. Proclaimed himself as the rightful owner of the sewers. Saying I was just a mouse playing as a rat. Killed my wife first. his own daughter dead. FOR what? His ambition drove him that's all I saw in his eyes. Slit her throat. Then stabbed my sons one after the other. His grand children, my own sons. looked at me, asked me to save them. Each one saw the other die. And I witnessed it all. I wasn't able to get free in time I had to be drastic and bite my arm off to free myself with one arm holding onto my now severed arm I used it as a club to beat Branson to death. There was no cheer no sounds , I didn't feel any pain, there was only blood and tears. I screamed and held my children. Felt like for days. I held them and wailed their bodies lifeless and cold. I pray to whatever God spared my wife the pain of seeing our children slaughtered. The sewers weren't a place of comfort. I suffered each time. I fought to earn what I thought I deserved. I adapted. But it didn't even matter. I saw what led him to that point, the blind ambition of a rat going after the cheese in the end of this maze of life. He was rabid as a damn dog, and only had hate in his eyes.   I drank for some time, but I decided to try again, find a new family start again. he is driven to right the wrongs of his past. He wants to change the world so people aren't driven by greed or ambition again.

Gender Identity

Male lol




No formal, lifestyle and travel is mostly what he was educated with.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Caravan musican, Merchant, Don of a mafia father.

Failures & Embarrassments

His biggest failure was losing his family, His past crimes embarrass him, if it comes back to him he would be very embarrassed.

Mental Trauma

Has a sore spot for anything kid related since losing his children. He doesn't speak about his trauma he keeps it to himself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quite smart when it comes to planning and how people work. He is very in tune with body language conversations, and how laws of places work.

Morality & Philosophy

Family first. Things always catches up to ya, if you're going to do something risky do it smart or find another way. Any way of life is valuable, but driven by greed and ambition is not a way people should go.


Scared of human scientists.

Personality Characteristics


He wants to find a new family, help guide them to know what the consequences of life have caused him, create a new community to eventually change the world for the better, or at least help those around him.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes all things a rat would like

Virtues & Personality perks

Family orientated, wants to be a father figure, and will always take care of others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ambition has gotten the better of him before, but he tries to control it, He does have a few criminal things still in him, like it would be easy to steal this or that, but he has inner conflict now.

Personality Quirks



Baths when it rains, or clean water is visible.

A older ratfolk who has learned a lot from his life of crime. He has learned to be good at the crime first if commit it. And all he knows is how to be a good criminal.

View Character Profile
Black, grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
black, pink
Quotes & Catchphrases
Well that could of gone better"
Known Languages
Ratfolk, common

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