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Zaeddothith (a.k.a. Mother)

A stern and blunt wyvaran who knows how to select the best quality.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In a small cave in the Undterfroste Mountain range resides a clan of kobolds who for generations have worshiped the true dragon at the summit of the mountain. The true dragon's name is Ingluvies and he makes sure to provide for the clan, but only so long as the kobolds provide him valuable offerings to help preserve his power. A perfect relationship: Ingluvies protects the clan, and they in-turn cement his power. This is what all young kobolds are taught, and they are brought up so that they may meet these expectations. Occasionally, one of Ingluvies's wyvern followers will mate with a kobold of the clan, and soon a young wyvaran is born to be the next guardian of the clan.   The wyvaran Zaeddothith was born to her kobold mother Beshal and was raised alongside the other children. She learned what was fair and just to her peers, and primarily how best to support the great Ingluvies at the top of the mountain. She learned the best method was to procure valuable goods, be they stolen, bought, earned, or made by the clan. All-in-all, gold was certainly the easiest to get. These would then be flown to the summit by the wyverns; she always wondered which had been her father. The typical offering Zaeddothith would give were hides of rare and precious creatures in the surrounding land. She became an excellent archer and could be rumored to pierce the hearts of animals from thousands of feet away.   She came of age and soon the previous guardian wyvaran passed, and she was then tasked with leading the clan. More years passed, and she proved to be a good leader. But with this position she began to see things she hadn't been able to as a child. Kobolds that did not have precious goods would offer up their meals, and this frequent allowance would cause malnutrition to sometimes rip through the clan during poor seasons of offering. And often many kobolds would get sick and expire, as all of the valuable medical tools and supplies would be given to the wyverns; Zaeddothith could not help but feel the medicines would go to better use on the sick than to be offered up, but who was she to suppose what would and wouldn't be of benefit to Ingluvies. But then drought and famine struck, and as such some of the children were getting sick.   After remembering one of the elder kobolds discussing one of the salves offered up to Ingluvies, she decided she would retrieve it to save the two children doing the worst. It was on one of the days that Ingluvies and his wyverns took their typical flights to who-knows-where that Zaeddothith secretly journeyed to the summit. After a few hours, she reached the entrance to the true dragon's cave, and she entered for the first time. Zaeddothith was met with oceans of gold and silver, mountains of gems littered with chests the size of boulders, and fields of fabrics and cloths. Her rare hides draped from the roof of the cave simply waving in the entrance draft. The room was morbidly bright, but felt cold and barren like a desert in the night. When she glanced over a shimmering hill of diamonds, she saw what looked to be a pile of medical supplies. But on further inspection, she found the particular medicines she needed were dashed across the floor. A tear fell from her cheek onto the wasted salve as she tried to scoop up what was left, scraping her hands on broken glass.   She hadn't gotten far down the mountain - ooze seeping out of her bloodied fist - before Ingluvies and the wyverns returned, all of whom were carrying a load of treasure. Before her landed Ingluvies, and struck with the insanity of the size of this beast, her legs grew weak with fear and her wings were tense with uncertainty.   Ingluvies spoke to Zaeddothith: "Climb atop my back. I will show you what becomes of clans who choose folly over my protection." They flew in silence for what felt like hours, and Zaeddothith saw many lands she had not dreamed of before. They landed upon a snowy field next to a kobold clan. The village looked decrepit, nearly empty, and sickly. It was doubtful that these lesser dragons ever had much of anything to offer. But it was here that Ingluvies began to destroy and gobble down the village, forcing the wyvaran guardian to watch. When the last kobold was swallowed, the true dragon had Zaeddothith take a sword to the guardian's wings and chop them off over threat of consuming her village too. For ten grueling minutes she hacked and sliced away each wing, cursing Ingluvies within her heart.   After returning to her clan, and understanding now the laws of her world, she began to devote herself to making higher earnings and finding rare treasures, even going so far as participating in dangerous dungeon excavations that many of the locals were too scared to explore. She was convinced that once Ingluvies was satiated, she would be able to free her family and remove them from the true dragon's hold. She came to be known as greedy and gluttonous, going to many lengths to take the most valuable and expensive rewards home to her cave; she always stopped short of stealing thought. At some point along the line, she was dubbed as the dragon who could find the dimmest of diamonds by those outside her clan. This is how she came to be upon the council of the King of Elywell, for who else would be better to find the one true treasure sought after by the King?

Personality Characteristics


Zaeddothith wishes to free her people from the tyranny of the true dragon Ingluvies by offering up a substantial amount of treasure.


Religious Views

Zaeddothith is not religious, but does not disbelive in the notion of a god. Rather, she is anti-theist in that she sees the gods or those worshiped as gods (such as Ingluvies) to be parasites and cancers upon the world. She does not let this be readily known, and will lightly attests to following [input god here]. If pressed she will instead bluntly affirm her anti-theism.


Zaeddothith is stern and held back. She takes her fair share, and a little more if convincing enough. She gains no satisfaction from stealing, killing, or pillaging, and would much rather earn her rewards. She doesn't expect assistance from others and prefers it that way. Zaeddothith is Lawful Neutral.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Guardian of the Undterfroste Mountain kobold clan.
Undterfroste Mountains
Current Residence
The Marked Conclave
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 1"
Known Languages
Common, Draconic

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