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Obi Shi

Obi Shi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thanks to Gentle Repose Obi still has flesh, though very slim amounts. His body is mostly decomposed and black bone can clearly be seen if he is nude. What flesh remains looks pale and sickly enough.

Body Features

One arm with flesh from the finger tips to the the shoulder connecting at the neck. Standing at 5'10 very slim on the account that he was an undead at a young age. With perfect posture despite the un even weight of flesh and limbs.   A heart still hangs in his chest but it no longer beats.

Facial Features

His face is his saving grace. if it weren't for the glowing eye or the pitch black hole in his skull where his left eye should be. He could pass as just a young kid with the plague and an abusive father... It's a give away he was once undead if we're honest.   The ends of his long black messy hair are ghostly white from the trauma of his early undeath

Identifying Characteristics

The hole in his skull, scars and bruises, one arm, Glowing eye, the heart in his chest that he can remove without ham

Physical quirks

He is always in perfect posture when he is uncomfortable. When he is relaxed he will talk with his hands, so some of the gestures my be lost do to only half the message being present

Special abilities

No matter what he finds himself in Obi is always clean and smelling fresh.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a very nice doctor's suit, with a chain shirt underneath. Then a large poncho to help keep his body hidden, as well as what he carries. Since he can't constantly check all of his belongings he keeps his gear in order from most expensive to least from right to left.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He can't remember anything at all before he was just an undead, but as an undead he can recall vividly. The experimentation the suffering and torment, his bones will still ace if he thinks about it for too long. Though sometimes Dying again is a more pleasant thought than being hunted down as undead before he can explain. He doesn't blame anyone though, it's a fair judgment.   Lich: Bishop   Once his maker had succeeded in his task there was a great surge in arcana that left Obi unconscious. When He woke up His maker was gone. He made his way back to what he thought was called a home to find the Undead out in numbers rivaling the cities he had visited. It filled him with questions, like why he was here, what is he doing, and who he was both now and before it all. When he couldn't answer any of those questions, he turned away from the mouth of the liar and walked away. The only answer he had in his head as he walked for days. "Bishop is a lich now, what use am I? None I'll just be a test again.."   He just wondered for almost a year when He came across a camp, He couldn't remember the last time he had a decent meal or drink so he ignored the risk and approached the camp fires. Finding the group singing and dancing. Maybe they were too drunk to notice or Obi finally found 'good' people but when he was noticed he was invited to join them. He ate until he had the feeling that his stomach would burst if he had one, and drank until like his memory from his Donor's life this to would disappear. In the morning he 'woke' before them all, which wasn't unusual for Obi but rather than over stay what might actually be an unwelcomed stay he decided to leave. Before he could make it out though he noticed a flute on a table, and remembered the songs from the night before. He picked up and played the songs sitting at the table. In his distraction he couldn't notice the campers waking up around him. He knew the song wasn't right because he couldn't reach all the notes with one hand, but when he was finished the campers cheered for the timid wanderer from the night before. Obi stood up straight and apologized profusely not for stealing the flute but for his existence. When they calmed Obi enough to get him to shut up, they revealed that they were a traveling band and they needed a flutist since their last player was mauled by bears. Obi was so shocked and confused that he cried blood pooling from his socket and eye in tears of joy. He'd soon learn that they were much more than a band but bards that were more than happy to have him along for a while at least until the next major city.   Bard: Yulai   Obi spent most of his time with the Bards learning how to play his instrument from Yulai, a Kitsune woman. She made Obi his mask and the instrument that was a little easier to play with his one arm. Though he didn't shy away from any of the other bards, he felt that Him and Yulai both had a secret to hide that felt comforting to him.   City name? somewhere in ERGOTR   At the first city they arrived at Obi played his first concert. Which to be in front of so many people and not hated was exhilarating. with those seven bards on a stage he thought he might have a life outside of death for once. Alas it was time for them to part ways at the end of the week. He thanked them all for the kindness towards him before going back to his journey. Which led him to the next night's entertainment a boxing match. Which he was roped into by mistake because of how he was dressed. Even announced as the 'One Arm Wolf' there was no time to explain before he was fitted with a glove and enclosed in the ring of cheering, chanting, and bets. He didn't know any better but he felt his life was on the line again and fought with everything he had. It must of been luck because to him it was a blur but he knocked his opponent unconscious. But that thrill almost made the heart in his chest pulse again. But he couldn't lie like that when he went to the ring leader to explain and give back the money. The stout dwarf laughed heartily and winked saying, "I know, the One Armed Wolf was mauled by wolves! but the show must go on! Keep the winnings, he'll be healed by the next fight so no trouble!" Obi was stunned and left speechless, going to his room to rest he could only think about how much fun he had in the last week.   Black smith: Smith Graysteel   While he was still in the city he found himself exploring the market when the rhythmic clang of metal caught his attention. Watching this black smith work for an almost an hour before the man could take a break to look at Obi. A burly dark skinned Orc looked at this masked and heavily clothed stranger cautiously, "Oi, no window shopping. Buy something or move on." That roared from the man snapped Obi from his trance making him drop his wallet on the counter with an eager nod. Smith looked at the gold and back to Obi a few times before breaking the silence again, "Well what do you want, what weapon do you use? Or are you looking for some armor?" Obi scratched his head as he started to fix his posture and look around the shop for anything he's held before. when the night before sprung to mind, leading him to shout, "A glove! um uh for fighting I guess.." Obi's excitement faded fast as he realized he just asked a metal worker to make a glove. The Man shrugged trying to fill in the blanks of the strange request, "You mean a gauntlet, brass knuckles, a cestus or..." "What's a cestus?" Obi cut the man off tilting his head. There was a long pause before the blacksmith put together that this wasn't a prank. Though another hour was wasted before the order was placed thanks to Obi. His armor would take the longest to craft but Obi didn't mind he got to listen to Smith work the forge and metal even longer.   kk

Gender Identity



Unspecific, obi can't and has no need to breed but girls are cute


After his second resurrection into an Obitu Obi was schooled intensively. He wasn't the best student but he leaned a vast understanding of magic and biology. Then came the life lessons, of following his Makers orders. Being sent to towns and cities all around to collect what was asked of by any means necessary. Meaning his fingers got a little sticky sometimes, and had to get sticky fast or be jailed and executed.


As an undead: a test subject As a young Obitu: a "gofer" and surgical assistant As a free Obitu: a flutist One night: a boxer

Accomplishments & Achievements

One professional boxing win Playing in a concert

Failures & Embarrassments

Being a mindless drone for a lich despite having sentience

Mental Trauma

His existence as an undead. Being a test subject

Morality & Philosophy

"Anyone can be a good person if they choose it. Just like me"


Using good people as undead slaves. (Good does not specifically mean alignment)

Personality Characteristics


He wants to know who his bone donor was and what they were like. Put an end to Bishop's evil. See Yulai and Smith Graysteal again Enjoy life.


Very clean constantly though his hair is messy


Contacts & Relations

Smith Graysteal, A blacksmith, human that made Obi's gear Yulai, A bard kitsune that taught Obi the basics both know he's an Obitu

Family Ties

Unknown other than his bone donor was human. Bishop's race was once human.

Religious Views

He studied the gods but never given a real chance to follow them or practice a faith.

Social Aptitude

He can function quite well, but gets nervous sometimes


prefers to keep his mask on to make others more comfortable

The perplexed Death Mage exposed to the real world without a maker for the first time

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
For one night: One Armed Wolf
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and sickly
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Necril, Celestial, Abyssal

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