Scabull Species in Thaiterra | World Anvil
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Scabulls are a medium sized herbivore rodent with some of the most delicious meat you will ever eat. They are slow, fat, and stubborn about keeping to their habits and homes, making them almost the ideal prey. The only thing that saves them from complete extinction is local conservation efforts, and the poisoned horn on their heads.   Without that horn, scabulls would be adorable floof balls. With it, they're something to be cautious of.   They're not usually aggressive. Not easily startled, but it doesn't take much to provoke them. Due to their homebody nature, you can usually escape if you move far enough away from the warren.   Some people keep them as pets but you have to go into it understanding that milking the poison is a way of life now and also the scabull can only be domesticated to a certain extent.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

In the wild they produces clusters of up to 8 offspring at a time, but when bred as pets it's not uncommon to only have 1-2. Something about the pregnancy process for these creatures only functions in the wild. Baby horns are bendy, but become insanely poisonous about twenty hours after birth, and this only dissipates to normal levels as the pups grow to adolescence.

Ecology and Habitats

Scabulls tend to prefer to have their nests in natural oases, but since they're territorial and families tend to spread out in a single area over multiple generations, they've ended up in pretty much anywhere you can dig down into the soil. They are found well out from the mountains, and tend to avoid the chasms and caves where the weinadi like to live.

Biological Cycle

Scabulls shed their horns twice in their life. Once at adulthood, roughly, and then again once they hit about a year old, hitting their middle age phase of life.


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