Thaiterra Birth records hidden
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Birth records hidden

Technological achievement


The decision is made to formally restrict birth records of scions, from parents and the children themselves.

It was decided that the reason Harmonia Savela went insane was that she felt slighted compared to her siblings, so this was designed to remove the risk for a similar murder situation developing. The records still exist, and is kept in the central computer, but the raw data is scrubbed. It's still possible to look at one's DNA, and even at your parents, but you cannot discern who they are. Identifiers are scrubbed.   Even if one becomes an Equivalent, the data of their birth parents is left sealed. The computer takes the DNA into account since it does still know who would be siblings or other close relatives, but it doesn't tell them.   Exact birthdays are also hidden, so no one can compare notes. Scions can know what year they were born, and make an estimate, but they don't know the exact day. If they're evocated, they take the birthday of their Counterpart, which is theoretically very close to what they are.   This is the first time the Therrans have modified the Genetic Record computer since it was created. As such, it takes almost 15 years to complete this task, since they have lost the skills needed and don't even entirely understand how the computer works anymore.

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