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A ferox (scientific name, crocodylus ferox) is a rare type of amphibious reptile, closely related to crocodiles. Unlike their cousins, feroxes can run up to 20 km per hour for as long as 3 minutes before it fatigues.  

Bred for resources

Ferox scales are prized for their hardness. With the right tools and artisans, they can be transformed into armors that offer a natural protection against poisons.

Basic Information


A ferox is about the size of a crocodile, has four legs and two arms and a short, useless tail. They have a thick, strong skin which is usually either light or dark yellow, dark green, light brown or light grey or a combination of these colours. The skin is covered with large, smooth scales in colours that match the colour of the skin though usually a few shades darker. Their heads are small and thin in comparison to their bodies. Their paws usually rest on the sides of their bodies, like most other reptiles. But they can place their legs under them in order to run after their prey.

Ecology and Habitats

These creatures are aggressive and they'll defend their territory strongly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They're carnivores and their relatively large mouths, their teeth and wide tongue are ideal for eating fish.   They make sounds ranging from very low pitched to high pitched and have a fairly small range of sounds they make to indicate discoveries, dangers and otherwise communicate with each other.

Biological Cycle

They mate once every three years and they mate with a specifically selected partner for life.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Feroxes have excellent sight, both during the day and at night, though they are mostly nocturnal. Their eyes are rather small, with a slitted pupil. Their senses of smell and hearing are average at best. Their nose is on top of their snout, allowing for their water-based hunting style. Their ear are small and hidden. But they have the advantage of sensory pits which appear as small black spots on their heads. Similarly to their crocodile cousins, these pits allow the feroxes to be able to detect the smallest changes in the water around them. Unlike crocodiles, the feroxes' pits also work while on lands, where they use air vibrations to pinpoint the prey's location.
Geographic Distribution


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