
Nightmare Elves

  The Goredhel were once high elves of Navalin. A war between the Navalin and the Eladrin of the Yllnor Empire changed them forever. Months into the war, the Navalin were loosing, and it was costing them dearly. In a desperate act, the Navalin sought divine intervention, and struck a deal with Yanouthriss. She gave them the power to win, but at the cost of their souls.   With the help of Yanouthriss, the Navalin struck back at the Yllnor, devastating the Eladrin Empire and destroying the lands that the Yllnor empire once covered. The other empires of Thaumara united and began the The Nightmare War. While ultimately the Nightmare Gods were defeated in the Nightmare War, the Goredhel remain as a reminder of that dark moment.   The Goredhel are hedonists of the worst kind. Every Nightmare elf is addicted to something. Pain is a common addiction, both inflicting it and receiving it, but some are addicted to sex, some drugs, and some other unspeakable acts. The act of losing control to the addiction is key for the Goredhel, for it is in those moments they can revel in the dark gifts of Yanouthriss.   The Nightmare Elves look much like high elves, but have nearly white skin. They most often have dark colored hair. What gives a Nightmare Elf away is their eyes. They are always wild and dilated. Most Goredhel wear clothing that have spikes and blades, sometimes for causing pain to others, and sometime for causing pain to themselves. Many also favor revealing or even lude clothing, depending on their addiction.   A few Goredhel, though, turn from the path of their people terrified of what happens when their soul merges with the Mistress of Pain. These are The Repentant, and are a playable sub-race of elves.  

Ability Score increase

Your Charisma score increases by 1.  

Elf Weapon Training

You have proficiency with the rapier, the morning star, and the net.  

Nightmare Magic

You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the disguise self spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the enthrall spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.  


All Goredhel have an addiction of some kind, pain, masochism, sex, drugs. You should work with your DM to figure out what addiction your Repentant Nightmare Elf has. It is important that your addiction is something that you will encounter in the game. One of the key aspects of being Repentant is working hard to remain in control instead of indulging in your addiction. Loosing control gives Yanouthriss strength over you.   Whenever you perform an act that connects to your addiction, roll 1d20. On a 20 your addiction takes over. When this happens all you can think about is indulging in your addiction. While your addiction is active you can take no action that does not allow you to indulge in your addiction. At the end of your turn you make the d20 roll again with a +1. If you roll a 20 or above the addiction still is in play. Every round your addiction is in play you add another +1 to your roll. Any round where you take pain, reduces that bonus by 1 however. If you ever reach +15 in your addiction roll, you lose control of the character to the addiction.


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