
Dwellers in the Deep

The murloc is a bipedal, amphibious, semi-intelligent, aggressive race residing along coastlines, lakeshores, and riverbeds. Murlocs possess bulbous bodies, large mouths lined with rows of sharp fangs, and slime-coated skin. Individuals range in coloration from turquoise to darkish grey, while their heights vary from 3-1/2 feet to 6 feet. Depending on the variety, murlocs may lean towards a closer resemblance to frogs or to fish.  

Primitive and Tribal

Murlocs organize into small tribes and larger clans. The clans can muster their tribes into a fighting force when needed for invasion. Rarely, clans may join each other to form larger forces. Murloc villages consist of a collection of rough mud-and-twig huts strewn about without pattern. These villages typically have no fire, no clear walkways, and no fortifications. The huts are crude and plain, and the settlement is otherwise featureless except for the shallow basin often found behind the shaman's hut. Most huts stand on stilts to protect them from the tides and flooding. Murlocs rarely work in metal and almost never touch fire. They are expert carvers, however, and can work stone, shell, coral, or wood into fabulous shapes and amazing scenes and designs. One such example is a lifelike piranha carved from a short piece of coral. Shaman staffs are also works of art, carved to hold bone and shell chips as well as teeth, flippers, and claws of various sea creatures not seen by most land dwellers.  

Servants of Adouzel

Most murlocs are bound to Adouzel as the Dweller in the Deep. He found them after his escape and subjugated them. There are some, though, who work against Adouzel’s hold over their people.  

Murloc Names:

Murloc names contain many wet soft sounds’ “sh,” “l,” and “m” are common sounds. Their tribal names connect to the bribes history, accomplishments, or appearance. Among other races they may use just their tribe name, or a nickname. Male names: Ahsmol, Bralk, Gelihast, Gurmel, Loshof, Molgoo, Shelsh, Slark Female Names: Biaga, Lishal, Loomalil, Malash, Nareesh, Orgloom, Seeshen, Shyesh Tribe Names: Blindlight, Bluegill, Cruelfin, Elfgutter, Greenscale, Greymist, Saltspittle, Scargill, Tidehunter.  

Murloc Traits


Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Age Murlocks reach maturity around 12 years old, and though they can biologically survive into their 50s, most never make it past their 20s. Alignment: In general, murlocs are savage and selfish, so tend toward neutral evil. Some, though, break out of the mold of their culture. Size: Because of their posture, Murloc tend to be shorter than humanoids, only reaching 4-5 feet tall, but weigh 150-200 pounds. You size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 30. You have a swim speed equal to your walking speed. Amphibious: You can breathe both air and water. You also have advantage on Dexterity (acrobatics) checks and Strength (athletics) checks when you are underwater.


You have superior vision at night and in the dark. You have darkvision out to 60 feet.


You can speak aquan and speak, read, and write Common.


Murlocs have subraces depending on what environment they were born into.  

Nargil (Rivers/Lakes)

These are the most common sub-race of murlocs. They are usually green, yellow, or orange in color. They are the only freshwater murlocs, as such they are the most common to come into contact with other races.

Ability Score Increase

Your Strength score increases by 1.


You may take the Dash action as bonus action once per short rest.  

Orgul (Beach and reefs)

Usually in patterns of blue, grey, and gold, the Orgul live on beaches and reefs near shore. More than any other kind of murloc, the Orgul have an affinity for magic.

Ability Score Increase.

Your Wisdom score increases by 1.


You can cast the spell fog cloud once per long rest. Wisdom is your spell casting attribute for this spell.  

Almush (Deep sea)

extremely rare to see on land, the almush live in the deep ocean. They have dark purple or blue coloration, and a dangling lure on their heads that they use to lure in prey. Able to survive the crushing pressure of the depths, the almush almost never even come to the surface.

Ability Score Increase

Your Constitution score increases by 1.


You can perceive your surroundings without relying on sight. You have blindsight within 20ft.


As an action you make cause your angler light to flash a blinding light. All enemies in 30 ft make DC 14 Con save or are blinded for a turn. You can use this action once per long rest.


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