Orang Kingdom

The Orang are a conglomerate of different reptile folk who have banded together in order to further their goals The nation formed well before The Nightmare War, and survived mostly be retreating to holdings on Tanah Island. After the war ended they expanded back into Easlath again, until the Dovogol returned. Seeing them as invaders and collaborators with the Nightmare races, the draconian races slaughtered any orang they found on Easlath forcing the orang to one again retreat to Tanah. In time, the Orang have built up a sizeable navy to protect their lands, and to harries Dovogol ships. For the most part they ignore the Loka, even when the murlocs strike out at their settlements.   Their crest shows the four main reptile forms that the orang are comprised of on a scaled shield. Their motto, in common, reads: "Cold blooded yet hot to strike."  

Ringa yáro an úrë pala

Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
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