
Feral Halfling

  When the Nightmare Elves destroyed Yllnor, they also destroyed the community of halflings that lived in what is now the Dead Forest. Some were able to flee to Anor to live among their northern brethren, others fled south only to be killed by the corrupted Orang. A few were corrupted by Iag-hubbig becoming the feral halflings.   Ravaperian seem to most outsiders to be little more than carnivorous beasts in the form of halflings. They dress in skins, and attack any creature that they think they can bring down. They eat any kind of meat, including other sentient creatures. Their hair tends to be long and matted, and the do not wear shoes. They have sharp teeth, and claws on both their hands and feet, otherwise the resemble normal halflings.   Feral halflings to live in communities, but the bulk of their time is taken up by hunting and eating. They favor ambush tactics, waiting in trees until prey wanders by, but have no issue giving chase if the meal calls for it.   Though rare, some feral halflings have been known to leave their communities, dreaming of something more.  

Ability Score Increase:

Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Natural Hunter.

You have advantage on Survival, Stealth, and Perception checks used for tracking or hunting a target.

Natural Attack.

You have a set of claws instead of nails. Because of your claws, you have a climb speed of 20. In addition your claws are natural weapons which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4+ Your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage of a normal unarmed strike.


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