
A tiny race seemingly related to the Huorn Treants, the Thornlings are tiny humanoids who are covered in hardy spines, have flower petal like hair, and leaf like wings that allow them to fly.  

Feywild Pests

Like their Huorn Treant cousins, the thornlings are refugees from the Feywild, but no one is quite sure how or when they ended up in Thaumara. They live in the Wychwood along with the Huorn Treants. For most other races, thornlings are a nuance. The little pixie like creatures love to play pranks on unsuspecting travelers in the Wychwood. Oddly, though, they do not play pranks on treants.  

Plant Wardens

Thornlings cultivate many flowering plants and herbs around their colonies. No one is quite sure why, as they do not make use of the plants, but any thornling colony will be surrounded by beautiful flowers. Anyone seeking to trample, or even pick these flowers, though, will be attacked without mercy.  

Rash and Quick

Where treants are patient and tend to be introspective, thornlings are not. They are impatient and impulsive. Even so, thornlings tend not to leave their colonies to wander, they have too much attachment to their flowers. Still, sometimes one gets a desire for wanderlust and leaves their colony to seek adventure.  

Thornling Names

Thornlings have their own language, similar to the treant one, but it is impossible for other races to learn. When they venture out of their colonies, thronlings take a descriptive name, sometimes just using a common flower name. Thornling names: Bluebell, Brambleback, Daiseywing, Dandelion, Fernlily, Iris, Nettlewind, Rosetop.  

Ability Score Increase

Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and Charisma score increases by 1.


Thornlings seem to mature fast, being considered adults at about 5 years, but the live quite long, some as long as 200 years.


Thornlings are natural tricksters, with the simple desires for freedom and fun, thornlings are almost always Chaotic. Size With a slender build and standing just shy of 1 foot, your size is Tiny. Speed Your base walking speed is 10ft. Flight You have a flying speed of 30ft. To use this speed, you can't be wearing medium or heavy armor. Hover You can hover up to 5 feet from the ground. Natural Armor. Your thorny skin protects you from harm. You are unable to wear armor, but your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor. Nature's Warden. You have proficiency in the Nature skill.


You are considered a plant instead of a humanoid, and you have vulnerability to fire damage. Instead of eating or breathing normally, you harness the sun's energy and surrounding oxygen to create your own food. You can survive a number of days equal to your Constitution score without sunlight or oxygen before starving or suffocating. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

Tree Whisperer.

Through your own plant nature, you can communicate simple ideas with plants of all kinds. Plants might be able to perform tasks on your behalf, at the DM's discretion. They are unable to uproot themselves and move about, but they can freely move branches, tendrils, and stalks. Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.  

Tiny Race Rules

Tiny player races have special rules for weapons with the following properties:
  • Tiny races do not benefit from the Light property, so these weapons cannot be used in the off-hand when two-weapon fighting.
  • Versatile weapons must be wielded in two hands, and deal their basic damage rather than their versatile damage.
  • Tiny creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with Two-handed weapons.
  • Heavy weapons cannot be wielded by a Tiny races at all.
  • All other one-handed weapons must be wielded in two hands.
  • Tiny races do not benefit from the Finesse property, unless the weapon is also light.
  Tiny creatures enjoy some benefits due to their size. As a Tiny race, you can:
  • Squeeze into smaller spaces – as small as 1.5 inches.
  • Occupy the same space as another Tiny or Larger creature.
  • Gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
  • Have advantage on all Stealth checks.


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