Wordsmith Domain

The domain of Pwence, the god of wordsmiths, the Wordsmith domain allows a cleric to use thier words to bolster allies and to hinder enemies.  

Wordsmith Domain Spells

Cleric Level
comprehend languages, dissonant whispers
silence, zone of truth
sending, tongues
banishment, confusion
geas, legend lore


Bonus Proficiency:

When you take this domain at first level you gain learn 2 new languages and gain proficiency in the calligraphy set  

Helping and Hurting Words

Also, at 1st level, you learn both the vicious mockery cantrip and the guidance cantrip. These do not count towards your learned cantrips. When you cast the guidance cantrip you also have a range of 60ft.  

Channel Divinity: Encouraging Oration

Starting at 2nd level, as an action, you can present the holy symbol of your deity and inspire the creatures around you. Choose a creature you can see. For 1 minute, the chosen creature has a bonus to attack rolls and saving throws equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one).  

Improved Helping Words

When you reach 6th level, the die rolled for your guidance cantrip becomes a d6. It becomes a d8 at 11th level and d10 at 17th level. In addition, when you cast the guidance cantrip, the target can immediately use its reaction and choose to either stand up from prone or move up 10 feet. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.  


At 8th level, as an action, you can speak words of power that can drive creatures away. When you do, every creature within 20ft takes 3d6 in Force damage and must pass a strength saving throw against your spell save DC, being knocked back 10ft on a failed save. At 12th level the damage becomes 4d6, and at 16th level it becomes 5d6.  

Enrapturing Oration

Starting at 17th level, you may enrapture with a riveting oration. As an action, you may make a speech. Any creature of your choice within 60 feet that can see or hear must make a Wisdom saving throw against to your cleric spell save DC. On a failure, the targets are at disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute or until you no longer take an action on subsequent turns to concentrate on the performance, as if on a spell.


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