
Known as the First Nation, or the Elven Empire, Yllnor was the first nation to establish any kind of writing system or records. Scholars know little of what came before Yllnor, save for what survived in myth and legend.   Yllnor was founded by Eladrin who escaped the brutal rule of the Frizen Queen in the Feywild, assisted by Pwence. Once on Thaumara they settled in the green forests of western Easlath, and soon founded a Queendom. They began keeping records, created a calendar for Thaumara, and other advances. Eventually, the Yllnori began to covet power and territory and the idea of uniting the elves of Easlath became a goal. Some believe this was due to the expansion of the humans of Anor into the southern desert, others that the presence of the Hill Dwarves was an issue. Whatever the spark, the Yllnor began a system of wars looking to unite all of elven kind, whether they wanted to or not.   After quickly subduing the high and wood elves who made their home in the west, the Empress turned her eyes toward the High Elven nation of Navalor. The war was brutal, bbut short as the Yllnor had command of the ley lines, a magic that the Navalor simply could not stop. After the Sundering, the Yllnor then pacified Faholean, the southern kingdom of wood elves. With that, they achieved the Great Yllnor Empire which occupied most of Easlath.   The Navalan, though, never fully submitted to Yllnor rule. Half a millennia after the Empire was established, Navalin rebelled, this time with powerful geomancers of their own. Eventually they regained their independance. Relations between the two remained cool for the next few millenia. Yllnor attempted several political schemes to try and retake Navalin, but never succeeded. After a Yllnor won a particularly harsh war against the humans of Krajin, the Navalor saw an opportunity to conquer their old rivals and launched an attack on Yllnor. This war eventually escalated into the NIghtmare War.   The Nightmare War saw the end of Yllnor, as the Navalor, badly loosing to the Yllnor military, called on the aid of Yanouthriss the Queen of Blades. She granted the Navalor Elves knowledge of a powerful ritual. The ritual itself took a year to perform, and cost the lives of thousands of Navalor citizens, but in the end Yllnor was destroyed utterly. The land occupied by the nation was ravaged ith blight. Plants simple withered and died in seconds. Trees toppled, animals wracked with pain either fled, or died. The great cities of Yllnor toppled to the ground killing millions.   The final act of the Yllnor military was to protext the survivors at Seladine Pass where they loaded onto ships at Imsnor to flee the continent. Hundreds died as the survivors fled, but in the end the survivors made it north to Yllnor where they took refuge in Irelia, the Yllnor colony on Anor.
Geopolitical, Country


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