Falstaff Settlement in Thauzuassk | World Anvil
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The capital of Thauzuassk, Falstaff was the seat of power for both the old kings of Merope and the new mind flayer masters that reside there in the modern day.  


Early one morning, lookouts at the Meropian kingdom's capital of Falstaff spotted what looked like a large black blot in the sky. Over the course of the morning, the number of black dots hovering just above the clouds grew and grew, until about noon when they descended upon the city. What must have been at least 30 nautiloids came down, dispatching armies of thralls, aberrant constructs, and mind flayers to overwhelm the guards of the city. Confused and panicked, the defenses of the city quickly fell, and within the hour the royal family was captured.
Founding Date
500 AK
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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