Elda Guard

Out of all the Apsaloosan regiments, The Elda Guard is both the most coveted and the most risky. Not in a dangerous sense, like scouts, boarder guards, or explorers, but in that, if you mess up, that means a possible downfall of the Kingdom.   The Elda guard are in charge of keeping the Apsaloosian Royal family safe. With the frills of royal life, the balls, the quality, the food, comes a great responsibility, and great consequences if one fails.

How to join the Elda Guard

Like other specielized forces, One must be chosen for the Elda guard. Its a highly coveted appointment, though it requred a specific skill level and internal quality. It can take a lot of internal strength to bear the weight of the Royal families safety.


When a recruit or common guard shows some promise, their leaders will keep an eye on their development, quality of character, and skills. those that reach a certain standard of excellence are presented to the King who will then, with advice from the soldiers higher ups, place the Soldier in the regiment that best suits them. Occasionally, this is on the Elda guard. Transfers happen this way as well between regiments.   Once their prime has past, these Elda transfer to the city watch or some other lighter station. occasionally they will just retire, but usually their loyalty and desire to serve pushes them to stay on guard for at least a little longer.

Specifically chosen

Occasionally, a memeber of the royal family will choose their own personal guard all by themselves, to which then that chosen soldier will be put through all the necessesary training to get to the required skill level needed to protect the royal family. Once ready, they are assigned to their specific person. Many are chosen as childen, childhood friends of the princesses and princes that grow up along side their royal counterparts. These are the most loyal of the guard and, if no tradgedy befalls the royal family, often stay at their royals side long past their service years as a friend and advisior. Many have a role in choosing and training their replacements, which can be a very bittersweet expirience.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by

What does it take to be an Elda

the Elda guard have a sereis of expectations of their members that must be adheared too. Firstly, Elda are expected to be excellent swordsmen and fighters. When without a weapon, they should be abel to improvise a defence and ofence in any circumbstance. Elda are the nation's peak fighters, taught specifically how to defend and deflect their oppositions attacks back on them.   Secondly, Elda are expected to be great stragizers and advisiors. When it comes to protecting somone, knowing the land and the possible outcomes is essential to being prepared. An Elda is often in charge of charting a course, vetting the staff, and choosing a team that will best suite the needs of the present.   Thirdly, Elda are expected to be well manored. Unlike the common soldier, an Elda will be attending all sorts of functions along with the Royal family. They must be dimplomatic enough to navagate the social scene and comforable enough to step in where needed. A surprising amount of protecting the Royal family includes assisting them in conversations and getting them out of difficult yet sensitive situations without offending anyone involved. It's a skill.


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Aug 4, 2024 18:06 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how versatile members of the Elda need to be, not only fighting for the family, but being prepared to get them out of diplomatic situations as well.