
On the whole, the people who live in the eastern glades are quiet people. Hardworking, sturdy, slow moving. They work hard and rest gently, without much fuss or deviation from their normal routines. This is expected. Its the cultural standard.   And then there are Roanians.


Common Behaviors

Roanians are, at their very core, very playful people. They tend to find the easiest way to pull something off, then take the rest of their day to themselves. They love play and entertainment, and there's very little more entertaining than their neighbors--or specifically, messing with their neighbors or digging into information they really shouldn't know about their neighbors.

An Inherest Nosiness

Roanians are generally very interested in people. They are curious, social, and nosy--a combination which can be very irritating to anyone who wants to keep anything private. Their uncanny ability to tease out even the most inconsiquential detail makes them great investigators and interigators.

Mechanically Clever

Where everyone else in the eastern glades seemed to turn towards the land to provide their livelyhood, Roanians turned towards the little trinkets they could make with their hands. Most grew up around gears and pullies and are generally well suited to tinkering away at any sort of contraption. If the contraption will make their lives easier in some way, then they are doubly suited to making it work.

Loose morality

Right and wrong, shoulds and should'nts, private and public never really made a huge impression on Roan. In their book, everything is legal as long as you don't get caught, and anything is fair game if you know about it. With that, though, Roanians are very good about owning up to their punishments. in their mind, they got caught so they should do the time. It doen't mean they won't go and do it again imeadiately afterwards tho, they just won't get caught this time.  

Traditions and Customs






In between



Arts, Architecture, and Style



Beauty and Presentation

Parent ethnicities
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