Shila Cove

There, in the side of the Shavaúntep Mountains is a strange cave-like divot, drapped in moss and lights that curl up the sides. It's become a beautiful, peaceful place to go, a refuge of sorts, though with the mountain cut open as it is and no form of actual defenses it doesn't protect from much danger. However, those organization that cultivate peace, such as the followers of Uzurip or Nulri tend to the Cove, careing for it through the seasons and welcoming all those who come to find some healing.

What It Looks Like

Shila Cove is one of the many beautiful places on The Eastern Glades, and certainly one of the more unique. The large, sphereical cave, moss, and surrounding picturesque feilds is unique among the eastern attractions.

The Cave

Carved in the mountain side is a smoothed curve, reaching into the belly of the mountain and scooping down till it hits a sandy bed level with the ground outside. Over the years soil had been brought in and embedded in the ground. Flowers and bushes of a staggaring array were planted and are continuously careed for. Vines drape across the cave celing, reaching down in leafy tendons to brush at the petals extending that same curtisy up to them.
  At some point, massive lanterns were commissioned by the crown and installed on the cave celing, hanging by iron chains, perfect for leafy things to cling too and grow a little more sturdily. The lanterns are maintained by the crown continuously. The glow gently, but brightly, casting the perfect amount of light into space without being overwhelming. Moss cushions the cave edges, creating a soft resting place on the outskirts. It reaches up to the lichon and down into the soft sands, covering the ground in a rich green.

Little Tunnels

Dotted along the back wall are little tunnels. They appear to be natural, but well maintained. Clean swept, sand base, well lit by lanterns free of rust. Some lead to more caves, some wind to other entrances on the Northern mountain faces, and one or two stretch all the way through the mountains to the coast. these are few, and rarely used, but they have been helpful in some key instances.
Mountain Pass
Location under
Owning Organization

How It Came To Be

There is little known about the origin of Shila Cove. Most assume it was a normal cave once, then someone opened up the entrance a little, then someone else opened it up a little more, then a little more, then someone else brought in some soil and so on and so forth until in become the beautiful garden it is now. But that doesn't quite make sense if you think about it too hard.   The Truth
Shila Cove was created as a gift by Yimik for his wife, Nulri. Legend says he spent a whole week, chiseling away at the mountains with unwavering focus, all to show Nulri how he felt for her. this was his invitation into courting her. It was her love and dedication to beauty and growth that drove him to create a Haven for all those who may need one.


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