Wel Shu Stomach

At first glance, its rather unappealing, but the Wel Shu rabbits stomach became a travelors staple for a reason. Mainly, it's convience. A creature that easy to capture and kill has to become a travelors staple no matter what. But the stomach, rather than, say, the leg, is the most sought after piece of the Rabbit.   Wel Shu rabbits eat mainly natural spices. they seem drawn to plants other animals tend to avoid for their strong flavor. While they eat, the spices are seasoning the rabbits stomach, in a way, much like a cook would season a pan. When cooked or dried, this natural seasoning is brought out. Neat huh.  


The dried stomach funchtions much like normal jerky. it's thick, hard, and a dark red color. It can be dried with seasonings, but most choose to let the natural flavoring shine through so they don't need to waste their resources.


When gotten fresh, the Stomach is better boiled into a stew. Like the rest of the Well Shu rabbit, it goes well with all sorts of spices and lasts a long time. The stew is usually stringy and thick once cooked completely, and the stomach takes on a bleached pink color.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Very Common

Helpful Trick

Beyond tasting good with very little effort, Wel Shu stomachs can actually help travelors know where they are. Spices are native to specific parts of the world, and if someone has a sensitive enough palet, simply tasting the cooked stomach could give a general geographic region of where the Wel Shu has been snacking.   Pretty cool and pretty helpful, especially if a cook gets lost on their way to a large royal contract.

A local legend

now, on a stranger note, there is a local legend connected to this dish. some people think that the Wel Shu seek light, not only in actual world but also in people. Its thought that if you eat a well prepared Wel Shu Stomach, you could also have this ability.


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