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Recent History

A summary of the Recent History of the 9th World.

  • 300 Pre-AR

    200 Pre-AR

    The start of the mage wars
    Military: War

    The exact date of the beginning of the mage wars has been lost to time.  We know that they began slowly at first. Minor tensions leading to open hostility between a pair of the magocracies. Which pair that was is a point of much debate. There is no definitive proof. However we do know that, in the space of a decade 2 became 8 and everyone was fighting everyone else and as a result, the disc will never be the same again.

  • 200 Pre-AR

    The Mage Wars
    Disaster / Destruction

    The mage wars... The time when gods and mortals learned to fear magic. The all-out 8 sided war between the great magocracies of the time. The level of devastation almost destroyed the disc. Mountain ranges upturned, countries shattered, continents broken... Those who survived did so by chance alone. The sheer amount of magic spent during that time is unfathomable by today's standards. There are many places left today that bear scars of that conflict. Places where everything that enters there dies without wound, places where time flows backwards, places where the space is folded in on itself making escape impossible by normal means. We must never forget just how close we came to total oblivion.

  • 0 Pre-AR

    32 /8

    End of the Mage Wars
    Diplomatic action

    Annihilation averted... Just in time. No-one seems to know how it happened but it did. During the longest night of the year came the most devastation to date but this time, instead of widespread carnage, it was focused on the Enchanted city states that had been the source of so much death and destruction. In one night, they were all almost entirely wiped off the map. The sun rose, and the madness and chaos of the war departed with the night. The dawn of a new era. The light of hope.

  • 10 AR

    Araxis First Wave of Reconstruction
    Construction beginning/end

    Very quickly after the end of the war expeditions from Araxis went out into the world to begin the slow work of reconstruction. But as people were understandably mistrustful of magic they came in disguise. Exactly how much they did to aid in the reconstruction is uncertain as only a few of their records of that time have been made publicly available, and that recently. With their help, countries began to rebuild themselves much faster than they normally would have been able to and within a few short decades civilisation was already semi-established.

  • 50 AR

    Araxis Second Wave of Reconstruction
    Civil action

    Despite the rapid progress, Araxis knew that the Disc still needed magic. Things like long distance communication and travel, as well as the treatment of magical ailments would need people to at least tolerate some magic practitioners. So they revealed themselves to the world. Most were wary of them but making use of the disguised agents still in place they managed to pacify people enough to tolerate, then fully accept them. They quickly spread their influence all over the Disc and their language spread with them.

  • 60 AR

    The Beginnings of Magitech
    Discovery, Scientific

    Whether it was a side effect of whatever ended the mage wars or simply that people felt more comfortable with it's mechanical nature, a new form of enchanted item took over the world. Magitech. Devices that used a combination of magical and mechanical components were almost unheard of before the mage war. At least, there are very few traces of them left today. But now they began to multiply and spread across the disc. While some regions like what we know today as Etheoland and Kuroth were somewhat resistant to these new developments, others embraced them whole heartedly. Trossania in particular became the first to build dedicated skyports for the travelling airships.