Dragonborn Kinshape Elixir

Dragonborn Form. After you drink a Dragonborn Kinshape Elixir, you transform into a dragonborn. The type of dragonborn depends on the potion you consumed, and the corresponding effects are different for each potion.   Kinshape Elixir Dragonborn Variants
d10 Type Rarity
1 Black Dragonborn Uncommon
2 Blue Dragonborn Uncommon
3 Brass Dragonborn Uncommon
4 Bronze Dragonborn Rare
5 Copper Dragonborn Rare
6 Gold Dragonborn Very Rare
7 Green Dragonborn Uncommon
8 Red Dragonborn Rare
9 Silver Dragonborn Rare
10 White Dragonborn Uncommon
Variant of
Kinshape Elixir


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