
Any type of vessel that floats on water and crosses water is considered a ship. From the largest galleys to longboats and tradeships on the seas, as well as the barges, ferries and rowboats that are used on lakes and rivers. Ships are a vital mode of transportation and income for the people of the world. It allows them to travel far and wide and acquire goods from faraway lands. Ships remain of importance because they are cost effective and dependable in comparisson to arcane means of travel such as teleportation.

Seafaring Vessels

There are numerous vessels that transport material, goods and people around the world. Most of these vessels are propelled with sails, but some use manpower or magic to cross the waters. Ships are commonly made of timber. Sailing ships use canvas sails that are operated with complex systems of ropes and pulleys that require some knowledge to sail them properly. Typically any decent sized ship has a captain and a crew with somesort of hierarchy. Ships often feature somesort of defenses and a crew capable of fighting of the dangers that can be encountered at sea.


The seas can be treacherous and hazardous as many dangerous or hungry creatures roam beneath the waves, and pirates might look to take the valuables that are aboard a vessel. Ships also make use of various traderoutes around the world that are deemed relatively safe to avoid these risks. Traderoutes typically go past several cities so that goods can be traded. This also allows passengers to board or get off the ship, making traveling along the traderoutes one of the easiest ways to start exploring the world.


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