Garl Glittergold (/gɑːrl/ garl)

The Gnome Crafter (a.k.a. The Joker, the Watchful Protector, The Sparkling Wit)

The father of Gnomes and the first god to outwit Asmodeus. Garl is loved by many and hated by few. Though the gnomes of the Golden Empire have fallen far from their creator, there are those that believe he is waiting for his wayward children to return to his care and love. Until then however, the gnomes Garl created remain a distant Memory.

Divine Domains


    Garl is a good natured trickster that uses his wiles to fool evil dieties into let slip the locations of their vile artifacts. He then disposes of the creations in order to protect the realm from the evils of these artifacts.


    A lover of revelry and fun garl is a humorous god that loves making others laugh and smile. He is loath to cause harm or sadness, and therefore works tirelessly to spread joy and love.

Fortune, Good Luck, Luck

    Garl loves to spread good fortune to others, the smile one gets when finding a gold piece in their pocket, or the rush one has when winning a contest of luck is like ambrosia to Garl. He therefore is a favored patron of gamblers and risk takers, who hope that he will bless them with divine luck.


    Garl is fiercely protective of his gnomish children and will go to great lengths to defend them. Though he prefers trickery and defensive tactics, when his children are in harms way he is the first to jump to their defense. He will fight with great ferosity and zeal in an attempt to keep his children out of the hands of evil.


    Many know of the gnomes ability in tinkering. They are able to use their nimble hands to fashion delicate clockwork creatures, and toys. It is said this was taught to them by Garl in order for them to use their abilities to spread joy and happiness to their children and friends.

Holy Books & Codes

Garl has 4 books in his worship each covering a specific area of his portfolio

The Book of Crafts

    The Book of crafts is a large tome that is the basis for many of the clockwork creations that the gnomes are used for. Written exclusively in Gnomish, the book is jealousy guarded by the gnomes as they wish not for its secrets to be revealed. However after a infiltration by the Grand Archive, a translation proved to be all but impossible. When the Archivists looked within its pages the language seemed to shift and when they would return to it after a day or so the current progress was all but undone. The leading theory is a spell is innate in all the books that only allow for gnomes to read from The Book of Crafts, and all other species that attempt will only read gibberish

The Prayers of Revelry

    A small book that is filled with praises to Garl and blessings one can preform before ceremonies and celebrations. Quite popular outside of the faith, as it also contains many gnomish traditions and recipes that contribute to the high praise many gnome parties receive.

The Recount of the Decade

    It is said Garl took a full decade to craft the gnomes, and he wished only for perfection for his creations. This is said to be written by Garl himself and is a complete recount of the decade it took to create the gnomes. Also within is a telling of the birth of Garl and his great rouse that fooled Asmodeus into giving Garl a great sapphire that is said to have sucked the happiness out of those who visited the Nine Hells. He used the joy stored within as a core piece of the Gnome Creation.

Journal of the Great Walk

    Unlike many other races Gnomes do not seem to have a set age at which they die. A gnome when they are ready will decide to go on the Great Walk in which they leave their home and never return. It is said they leave for the Golden Hills where they spend the rest of their days feasting with Garl Glittergold. The Journal is given to all gnomes when they are born, and they are told to write in it, but to never read what they wrote once they finished a page. Then when the time for the Great Walk comes, the Gnome will open their journal and read from the beginning. Instead of their writings they will find a guide that will help them complete their Great Walk.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


    A Gold Nugget

Favored Weapon

    Battle Axe
by Unknown (Currently Looking)

Favored Animal

    The Badger
by Uwe Walz/Corbis



Tenets of Faith

Even in the Hardest Times, Keep Smiling and Laughing

    Garl feels that sadness though an envitability is a waste of time and energy. There will be times when you are overcome by grief, or anger, but one must remeber that this too shall pass. Life is a series of joyous moments that is periodically interrupted by pain and sadness. Treat these as only annoyances as the next time of Joy is right around the Corner

The community we are a part of is built through cooperation and kindness

    A community is only as strong as the ties that are forged within it. Work together,play together, and know your neighbor as a friend. THough one gnome can accomplish much, together we can accomplish much more.

Do not allow yourself to lose what it means to be a part of the people you lead

    Though as a leader you are an authority, you are still mortal and therefore equal to your peers. Revel with them, laugh with them ,and allow yourself to be silly. Though being stern when needed is a necessity when leading, being a part of the community the greatest action one can do.

Learn and teach the history of the Gnomes

    Mistakes are a part of life; don't try to hide them. Each mistake one makes is a lesson for another, and the history of the gnomes is full of these lessons. Learn from the history that is a part of your culture and preserve it so that others may learn the lessons of the past.

Do not fear change

    To live is to change, and to change is to live. You will never have everything figured out and should be prepared to change to make things better. Mistakes will be made but allow those mistakes as they are a part of living. Changing and growing is what makes life an adventure worth having.

No matter the circumstance, do what works

    Life is a strange adventure with problems that have strange solutions. Do not throw away a solution in favor of status or honor. Garl gave us our wit and guile to overcome challenges that stand in our way, and if it works it is worth while.


The Communion of Laughter

13th of Every Month
    A time of great joy in which the followers of Garl hold Joke telling contests and have large feasts.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good