
The Lady of Our Fate (a.k.a. The Colorless and All-colored, The Matron of Dreams)

Divine Domains

Revelation, Seership, Prophecy

    Istus weaves our fate and can see all outcomes before they happen. There are some who break from her to forge their own fate, but they are quickly swept back up into the grand tapestry of life.


    Dreams are powerful tools to allow ourselves to view the future and events as they unfold. Istus gave us the ability to dream and created the dreamlands where her throne in the city of Concordance sits.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of the Omega is the holy book of Istus, and is highly discussed and debated. The first few pages are written quite straight forward, it introduces Istus and her role among the divine, but then a shift is seen. To quote “Yea listen forth for I have witnessed her Aspect in her holy radiance I have seen the Omega. I have bore witness to her final weave, and though it cost me my sight I shall now tell what I have seen.” What follows is a prophecy of the end of times, the visions, though vivid, are seemingly meaningless, however it appears that symbolism is used heavily throughout. The symbols and their meaning are not well understood, and even now it eludes researchers. Passages such as the “symbol of inevitability will show as a second sun”, and “from the city of the Broken Candles the children beneath the mound shall welcome him” have been especially debated and studied, but little to no breakthroughs have been found.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    A sewing Needle with thread

Favored Weapon

    Monk's Spade

Favored Animal




Tenets of Faith

Fate is inevitable, and it can not be averted only prepared for.

    Istus has foreseen all and has woven the tapestry of fate. Though the threads may slack so that small changes can be made, there is no such thing as determinism. The future, and past are all written in stone. Time spent attempting to avert it is time wasted.

Accept your fate and the role Istus has foreseen you play

    The only honest way to live is in accordance with your fate. Meditate on your fate and you will see the threads that Istus has weaved for each of us.

Struggle not against fate

    To fight against fate is to fight the wind. Though you may build walls and roofs to avoid the wind, they shall be eroded with time and the wind. You will be weak and the wind shall take you. Fighting fate shall only bring about you preordained ruin.


Istus has no holidays to speak of. Her followers are more concerned with figuring out her grand tapestry rather than celebration or trivial excuses to drink heavily. However, certain communities have used the 1st day of the year to celebrate Istus. They use this day as a way to both celebrate the past year that Istus has weaved for them, and prepare for the next.
Divine Classification
True Neutral