Silvanus (/sɪlˈvɑːnʌs/ sihl-VANN-u)

God of Nature (a.k.a. Oak Father, The Old Oak, Old Father Oak, The Forest Father, Treefather)

Divine Domains

Forest, Nature

    Silvanus is the God of all nature, and forests are considered his favorite of his creations. For there is no place that has a greater density of nature and beauty.

Holy Books & Codes

Silvanus has no holy books as this would needlessly harm the nature he so greatly cherishes. Instead the faithful rely on oral tradition to teach others about the lessons,and beliefs that they should take to heart as followers of Silvanus

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    An Oak Leaf

Favored Weapon

    The Longbow

Favored Animal

    The Stag


    Forest Green
    Primrose Yellow

Tenets of Faith

Take in the whole Picture, do not latch on to the popular idea of what's best.

    Good and evil, order and chaos, all are simplification of much greater ideas. These ideals are complex and evershifting, deciding too quickly on a course of action leads to mistakes, and ultimately disrupts balance.

All is in balance and in a cycle, protect and extol its virtues

    Life and nature lives in a delicate balance with civilization and death. The perfection of this balance must be protected at all cost. Go against those who would seek to destroy the balance, and work with others to preserve and protect it.

Resort to violence and confrontation only when pressured due to time or hostile action.

    Do not seek violence as it disrupts the balance of life. However it should be used against those who will stop at nothing to disrupt the balance. Your first role is to protect the balance and should your violence protect the balance than it is acceptable.

Fight against the destruction of nature, banish disease, and plant new flora wherever you find it.

    Nature is always being fought by civilization. You must do your part to keep balance by protecting nature, and planting new flora wherever you go.

Kill only when needed.

    Killing disrupts the balance more than any other action. You must only kill in order to feed yourself, protect yourself and others, or protect the balance. Any other case is a direct insult to SIlvanus


The Night the Forest Walks

    The 15th of the Month of Sunlight
    This night is a celebration of the expansion of forests and nature itself. The morning is spent spreading seeds, and eating only fruit. During the night the faithful sleep beneath the stars and without any light. It is said that should their actions be deemed good, their will be a great sound of movement from the forests. The trees are said to be moved by silvanus himself, creating new paths and safety for those that live within.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Silvanus wishes to safeguard nature in all of its forms, and protect it from harm and those who would wish to exploit it.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
True Neutral