Sune (/ˈsuːni/ SOO-nee)

Goddess of Beauty and Love (a.k.a. Lady Firehair, The Lady of Love, Beautiful One, The Fickle and the Beautiful)

Divine Domains

Beauty, Artistry

    Beauty is the paint upon the canvas of love. Sune knows this to be true and thus is the greatest patron of art and beauty. [/ul


      Love and passion are inseparable and as the god of love, she no doubt holds domain over passion as well.


      Life is full of beauty and love. To look the other way to atrocities, is to fail the tenet of protecting beauty. Every life makes the realm beautiful.

Holy Books & Codes

The Divine Passion

    This is the holy book of Sune. In it one will find fables of the Goddess Sune, and how she created each of the many different art forms. One can also find a guide which covers the basics of many forms of art. The last section is a set of the many beautiful forms of copulation one can partake in. These are said to bring praise unto Sune, and is one of the greatest expressions of love and passion.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    A red headed womens head

Favored Weapon

    The Dart

Favored Animal

    The Swan


    Dark orange

Tenets of Faith

Beauty is more than skin deep

    No matter how beautiful one may seem, their faults and issues radiate from their core. These are shown to the world for all to see.

Believe in Romance, as true love is the greatest force in the realm.

    Love can lead others to perform acts great and small. It can compel the smallest man to face the tallest giant, make the most timid women speak with great vigor, or sacrifice the self in the stead of others. Love is the root of all bravery, and the greatest ally of selflessness.

Perform a loving act each day, and promote it in others.

    To be truely beautiful you must be kind, and loving to all. Love those who respond to your appearance, and give warm friendship to those where love can not flow. The kindness you show is the greatest beauty one can find.

Acquire beautiful items of all sorts, and encourage, sponsor, and otherwise protect those who make them.

    Artists and craftsmen create beauty where there otherwise were none. They use the beauty of the soul to create beauty in the physical world. Blessed are those who embody these traits, encourage their works with both material and verbal praise. Allow no harm to come to them.

Keep your body as comely as possible and as attractively displayed as the situation warrants.

    Allow yourself to be beautiful and find hairstyles, and outfits that accentuate your beauty. Seek to stir delight in others who look upon you, and do not hide away your visage. Allow yourself to move others who look upon you, and show the gifts your received from Sune.

Love none except Sune more than yourself.

    Your beauty both of the physical and of the soul is a gift from Sune. Allowing this gift to become blemished, unappealing, or coming to harm is to reject Sune. Keep your body fit, and healthy. Practice love, kindness, and mental self care to keep your soul healthy. And always allow yourself to be lost in the love of Sune.


The Festival of Love

    The twenty second of The Month of Festivals
    The Festival is a day to celebrate the loved ones in your lives. However it is only open to adults who practice the worship of Sune, or those who have been invited. Free love is praticed during this day and casual copulation is practiced frequently. Erotic art and sculptures are put on display, and with refreshments, including alcoholic drinks, are given freely to all. Invitations to this festival are highly sought after.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Sune only wishes to spread love and beauty throughout the realm. She is opposed to all that wish to spread death, hatred, or decay.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good