Tempus (/ˈtɛmpʌs/ TEM-pus)

Lord of Battles (a.k.a. Foehammer, The Battle Lord)

Divine Domains

Battle, War

    Tempus The God of War lives and breathes battle and war. He prefers the honorable combat one would expect from the likes of Bahamut, and vehemently opposes war crimes, and needless destruction.

Protection, Strength

    Soldiers show great strength for they protect their loved ones and lands from those who would seek to harm them. Tempus embodies both of these virtues, and blesses those who follow his will with a modicum of his power.

Holy Books & Codes

Tempus’s Honor

    This book is a guide to the art of war penned by Saint Augustus of the Old Empires. It is believed to be divinely inspired by Tempus himself, and is thus held in high esteem by his followers. It lays out the basics of tactics with common advice for would-be generals. It also lists the rules of war which the followers of Tempus are required to remember and honor.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    A Enflamed Silver Sword on a Red Sheild

Favored Weapon

    The Greataxe

Favored Animal

    The Tiger


    Blood Red

Tenets of Faith

Be Fearless

    Fear and hesitation hold one back in War. This can lead to the death of your brothers in arms, and defeat. Charge without fear, fight with fervor, for Tempus is by your side. Though you may die your sacrifice will not be in vain, as you have aided in victory and show true valor. Forever shall you be be welcome in the Warrior’s Rest

Never turn away from battle.

    To turn away from battle is to turn away from bravery, and heroism. When you pick the road of cowardice and dishonor, your turn from tempus and earn his scorn. Always be prepared for a fight and never allow yourself to retreat in dishonor.

Obey the rules of War

    Always fight with honor and respect, take prisoners of war when possible and treat them with respect. Do not torture or rape as that is the way of evil and against the teachings of Tempus. Respect your adversaries and accept their surrenders and parlays. Do not stoop to underhand tactics and always meet your opponents in honorable 1 on 1 duels if challenged. To follow these basic guidelines is to follow the teachings of Tempus. Memorize Tempus’s Honor, and you shall always find a home in Warrior’s Rest.


Feast of The War God

    The 19th of the Month of Thunder
    The Feast of the War God is a day-long holiday in which warriors and soldiers who have returned from war are honored, and those who fell are remembered. It is common to hold large feasts for the soldiers who returned with empty seats left for the soldiers who fell in battle. During the night what was left over is burnt in offering to Tempus with the banners the soldiers carried retired to the flames.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tempus is at eternal war with Gruumsh and his followers due to his dislike of mindless slaughter and bloodlust. Tempus aims to keep wars clean and honorable with little in the way of senseless destruction, and brutality.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
True Neutral