Torog Character in The Abandoned Realms | World Anvil


The King that Crawls (a.k.a. The Broken King, The Lord of The Underdark, The God of Murder, The Tyrant of Death, The First Murderer)

Divine Domains


    The Underdark is the domain of Torog. It is said when he was crippled he dragged himself along the earth cracking the land beneath him creating cavities and caverns. This was the creation of the underdark. He cloaks his faithful in the darkness of his land and gifts them the ability to do the same.

Murder, Death

    Torog was the first murderer, and changed death into something greater. He bends it to his will creating undeath and rewarding killers. To murder is to claim dominance over others, and claim their essence as your own. Kill the unworthy.

Torment, Pain, Blood

    The act of killing is more than taking a life. It is a sadistic action that you shall take pleasure in. Torog revels in their suffering, and bathes in their blood.

Holy Books & Codes


    Gidya is the chronicle of the trails of Torog. From his murder of the Solar, Eurisal, to his crippling and divine gift to Vecna Torog has gone through much but remains constant and all powerful.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    A T with a circle at the Base

Favored Weapon

    The Maul

Favored Animal




Tenets of Faith

Revere the deep.

    The underdark is the most holy of places and is blessed by his presence. Torog dragged himself through their tunnels bringing his taint and blessing to all who were worthy. Isolate yourself in his divine darkness, and hear the sounds of his body crawling forever more beneath the surface.

Give Pain, and receive pain with delight.

    Pain is holy and the gift which brings us closer to Torog. Let others taste his presence, as is right and just. Take heed and pleasure in the spreading of this divine pain and find joy in the pain which you receive. You are worthy of Torog and his grace.

Hold strong to what is yours, and restrain those who wish freedom.

    You are entitled to what you take and a person is among the most glorious of possessions. You took them, and therefore their life is forfeit. Do not allow them to flee as they shall return and take you for that is their right. Restrain and remind them that they are not worthy of freedom, for if Torog believed they were then they would have never been taken.

Give death freely.

    Every death is an offering to Torog and every body made is a servant for you. Give death to all so that they may be blessed by his cold oblivion. USe their bodies as slaves, and servents ever adding to your army and power.


The Night of Spilled Blood

    The First of The Month of Ends
    During the night of The First of The Month of Ends Torog’s faithful rise from their homes in the Underdarks, and abduct innocents who live on the surface. These prisoners are taken to the temples of Torog to be sacrificed one by one, so that their essence may be gifted to Torog. It is hoped that with enough sacrifices Torog will be healed and he will walk Eovillia again, rewarding his faithful, and subjugating those who live on the surface.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Torog’s ultimate goal is to heal his wounds and rise from the Underdark as the Broken King Made Whole. WIth his newfound power he will usurp the gods, and take control over life and death, crowning himself as the one true god.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Neutral Evil