Vecna Character in The Abandoned Realms | World Anvil

Vecna (/ˈvɛknɑː/ VEK-nah)

The Arch-Lich (a.k.a. The First of The Lich, The Whispered One, The God of Secrets, The Undying King, The Lord of the Black Tower, The False Shepherd)

Divine Domains

Arcane Knowledge, Knowledge

    Vecna hears the whispers of all. He knows the secrets of the mundane and arcane, and is uncovering more every day. Only those who follow Vecna may learn his esoteric discoveries, and should they prove loyal, they will be gifted a glimpse into the insight he has gained.

Magic, Arcana

    The practice of Lichdom was created by Torog, and gifted to Vecna. Vecna became the first Lich and became the greatest Necromancer of the Realms. His knowledge of the art of Necromancy eclipsed the Goddess of Magic herself, and he rose to godhood with his unparalleled power.. Those who wish to follow in his footsteps to lichdom will find a home as Vecna’s Faithful. He will teach them the spells the gods hoped to hide away, as their sadism, and power are unmatched. With his help you will learn the secret rituals and incantations to rule over the weak, and stave off death as a lich.


    The rebirth of Vecna as the Arch-Lich allowed him to conquer death, and bend it to his will. He can bend the dead to his will, and should you prove worthy of his blessing, you too shall inherit a minutia of his power. His clerics can raise the dead as servants, and bend the will of death to prolong their own life. They shall walk in his footsteps and become liches, the ultimate form of domination over death.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Vile Darkness

    Written by Vecna himself, The Book of Vile Darkness was a tome that held many secrets of the arcane, allowing the user to become more powerful. Long since lost the book was said to have a corrupting influence turning even the most righteous of people to the darkness. The last known copy was found in the Grand Archives, but it was said to have been destroyed by the order of the Grand Archivist.

Tome of The Stilled Tounge

    A rare book only 5 are said to exist, 4 of which are in the hands of the Grand Archive with the remaining copy being unaccounted for. Believed to be in the possession of the High Lich of The Cult of Vecna the book is a powerful spell book that allows one to make use of their divine spark in strange and profane ways. Some even believe that Vecna himself can communicate with his faithful through the book but this is yet to be confirmed.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    Hand with Eye in Palm

Favored Weapon

    The Crook

Favored Animal

    The Vulture


    Pale Green

Tenets of Faith

Secrets hold power over all

    There is much one would hope to hide from the public, a secret affair, a betrayal of trust, or a sick perversion. Vecna hears their whispers, and records them for these are what makes the balance of power shift in one's favor. Exploit and use what you know to gain power, and knowledge, and safeguard yours so that you may never fall prey to your own tactics.

There is a secret evil within all.

    All have a darkness that is a taint upon the soul. No matter who or what they are, the taint lies in wait to grow and corrupt. Play to this evil and strengthen it within others. Their secrets hold the keys to unlocking this taint, and turning the righteous to the embrace of Vecna.

Never reveal all that you know

    Your knowledge will always be used against you.. Never allow the any to see behind the veil into your true intentions or deepest desires. Say only which you need to say in order to communicate your ideas to comrades, and to keep trust with those you will betray.


Vecna has no holidays as they detract from the pursuit of knowledge and secrets. However his church may meet up to share their necromancy findings and breakthroughs. The days of this meet up are strictly secret and known only to those who are among his faithful.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vecna wishes to usurp the role of the God of Knowledge, as well as hold sole control over magic. Sees himself as the rightful ruler of the pantheon and should not be looked down upon by the other deities. He also wishes to overturn the sovereignty The Raven Queen has over death, and install Torog as the rightful ruler of Death.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Neutral Evil