Yondalla (/jɒnˈdɑːlɑː/ yon-DAH-lah)

The Matriarch (a.k.a. The Halfing Mother, The Protector and Provider, The Blessed one.)

Divine Domains

Hearth, Prosperity, Life

    The prime fertility god of the Pantheon Yondalla has become a patron to farmers, and hopeful parents alike. Her blessing is said to bring bounty to the farmland, and healthy children to parents.


    When Eovillia was young the Halflings of her creation were weak and scared. She came down from the heavens and protected her children from all who would cause them harm. Her shield is synonymous with her love and protection of her worshipers


    Though a fierce protector of the Halflings, Yondalla knows that there are times when fighting isn't enough. Her use of guile and charm allowed her to carve out the Green Fields in Mount Celestia, and she continue to use it to play tricks and gain the upper hand in negotiations. Her tricky nature is well known, but it is almost always good natured.

Holy Books & Codes

The Birth Scrolls

    The Birth scrolls tell the story of the Birth of the Halfings and the many miracles Yondalla performed protecting her children from the young world. A set of seven scrolls each cover a decade of her leadership and protection as they searched for a home for the Halfling to call their own. The final Scroll describes the founding of the “Fields of Gold and Green” which would be the home of her children forever more.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol

    Cornucopia on a Shield

Favored Weapon

    The Shield

Favored Animal

    The Bison



Tenets of Faith

Seek Peace and Comfort

    A life filled with both is one of wealth and joy. Seek not violence and conflict as it will lead to strife and ruin. Find a peaceful resolution wherere possible and use violence only as a last resort/

Treasure your family

    Your children are a gift from Yondalla, as you were for your parents. Protect them as Yondalla protects you, and allow no harm to befall them. Give only kindness and love to them, and they shall reward you in turn.

Care for the Aged and Weak

    The downtrodden and aged are all worthy of love and respect. Give them hospitality and charity as all are Yondalla. The kindness you give will return to you in kind, for you may be in the same place at one point in the future.


The Green Fields Feast

    The 28th of The Month of Growth
    This feast is a celebration of summer and is a night long event with seasonal foods for all. Time is spent building relations between families and giving hospitality to all who may wander in. A joyous occasion, many travelers content that a Green Fields Feast is one of the most joyous events one can take part in.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Yondalla strives to protect her children and keep harmony within the pantheon of gods.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good