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Blinky Boblunk

A friendly little plasmoid, Blinky enjoys making friends, going on adventures, and all sorts of cute animals. They can and will eat anything, and are not afraid to jump head-first into situations that might scare others. If you ever want to know what you taste like, hit them up for a handshake!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

2 arms, 2 legs, and a head (for now)

Facial Features

Some rocks

Physical quirks

Can literally reshape their body

Apparel & Accessories

Propellor hat and Jedi robes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Coming from a loving plasmoid smack, Blinky grew up loved and spreading love wherever they went. Taught that every creature was made of the same cosmic goop, Blinky believes that there's a little bit of good in everyone, even those that do bad things. Because of this belief, Blinky accidentally became the dumb comic relief and creature of escapism for a local criminal organization, and was adopted into the gang after the kindness they showed the boss when they were injured after a territory dispute. Blinky was happy to help and to have so many new friends, who became very protective of their kind wiggly friend.

Eager to see the best in everyone, Blinky was roped into a field operation that went horribly wrong. While scouting an enemy-controlled tavern, Blinky and their fellow gang member were discovered (due to Blinky's unique appearance) and apprehended. Their friend was killed while Blinky escaped, terrified and feeling guilty. Unable to face their gang knowing they didn't do anything to help, they ran away.

At their lowest point, feeling like absolute shit, Blinky prayed to a higher being for the ability to be of some use next time. After some discussion with the being, blinky gained the magic to be able to help their friends the next time, with the stipulation that they cannot cause any harm using said magic.

Now equipped with the tools to be of use in any situation, and carrying a kit for disguising themself to avoid detection (yeah, sure lol), Blinky is eager to find their next ragtag group to support.

Gender Identity



Street smarts


ARA Core Division
Freelance Home Gym Designer and Engineer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Reigning Champion of Chubby Bunny

Failures & Embarrassments

Died that one time

Mental Trauma

Also the dying thing

Intellectual Characteristics

not applicable

Morality & Philosophy

There's a little bit of good in every person, no matter the bad things they might have done.

Personality Characteristics


Someone close to Blinky got hurt because of their inability to help. That will never happen again.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at lying.
Also horrible at lying.
Best person to ask for a makeover.

Vices & Personality flaws

Will adopt cute animals if they think they can
Literally cannot stop lying even though they're not good at it


you don't wanna know

A lil dumb, a lil crazy, a lot of heart.

View Character Profile
Sorceror, Warlock
fun costumes and opportunities to dress up, makeovers, playing with their lil fox friend, construction, and their cool dagger friend Halfhilt
not being able to help, serious situations, that one time someone ate their dirt, dying
Chaotic Good
Whatever they accidentally picked up off the floor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3ft 7in
70 lbs
Known Languages
Thieves Cant
Conversational Deep Speach


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