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The Houses of Khorvaire

Please note: This article is a very concise summary of all houses included in Eberron's official lore. This information is paraphrased or adapted from Eberron: Rising from the Last War and includes information Players need to know such as what the House is known for, where they are located, how wealthy they are, and if they have any connections to other houses. Furthermore, in Eberron: Wayfarer's Guide to Eberron, Eberron: Rising from the Last War, and 3.5e Eberron Lore all of the Dragonmarked Houses are specific to certain races, but this campaign will not restrict household memberships by race. It may be mentioned during the TAC campaign that Houses have histories of being predominantly or solely one race as members, but in our "post-war" Eberron these rules have gone out the window as everyone has migrated.   House Agents swear fealty to a Dragonmarked house. Dragonmarked houses are powerful guilds that shape Khorvaire's economy. If one is born with a Dragonmark you will likely become a member of one of the influential families within the house. Though, a Dragonmark is preferred it certainly isn't required. Anyone with the networking skills and talents to prove themselves can make their way into the ranks. Members of the houses range in how involved they are, but in essence, everyone acts as the eyes for the house; then leaders will call on members for different tasks.  
House Cannith   House Cannith is the most wealthy, widespread, and debatably the unspoken leader of the Houses of Khorvaire. Made up of expert craftsmen, smiths, artisans, and Artificers, the House Cannith is where Academics and Artisans align. Owners of the Forgeholds, House Cannith streamlined production of common goods, weaponry, and small grade magic items; but during the Last War, a large opportunity for Ho use Cannith came. All nations of Khorvaire wanted weapons, arms, armor, and the newly crafted Warforged.   Unfortunately, House Cannith was based in Cyre, and the Mourning destroyed the house leadership and key facilities. Now three barons of the house jockey to fill the leadership vacuum: the alchemist Jorlanna of Fairhaven, weaponsmith Zorlan of Korth, and Warforged innovator Merrix of Sharn. It remains to be seen whether one of these leaders will unite the house, or claim to be the sole leader.   House Medani   As advisors who specialize in risk assessment and management, House Medani seeks to protect its clients from both physical and social threats. The Warning Guild of House Medani brokers the services of bodyguards, inquisitives, and Public Relation Officers. Their Public Relation Officers typically work for high-end clients or royalty, aiding their clients in keeping their public image clean and appealing.   House Orien   The House of Passage manages land transportation. The Lightning Rail is the house’s best and fastest tool, but Orien runs caravans and coaches across the length of Khorvaire. The Courier’s Guild of House Orien delivers mail and packages; they even have a branch that handles more covert deliveries. The strongest Orien heirs can provide Long Distance Teleportation to the wealthiest clients, but House Orien is seeking to expand its use of Teleportation to compete with House Lyrandar's Skyship Enterprise.   Alliances: House Orien is aligned with House Cannith. Enemies: House Lyrander's newest Skyship Enterprise threatens House Orien's Lightning Rail.   House Sivis   Expert facilitators of communication, House Sivis works to keep a network of message stations for long-distance communication across Khorvaire as well as training licensed scribes, notaries, interpreters, cartographers, barristers, heralds, bookbinders and keepers, and more.   Alliances: House Sivis works closely with House Kundarak as they handle all of the banks' bookkeeping, legal documents, and more.   The Houses of Shadow   Although the Mark of the Shadow has been exclusively for Elves for thousands of years, during the Last War the Mark of the Shadows began showing up on other species as well. Shadow Marked individuals tend to "disappear" once they are discovered. Rumors are ravaging communities about the disappearances. The Houses of Shadow are comprised of elite spies and assassins that are only known by special clients - IE powerful nobles, merchant lords, and the like. Commoners have only recently heard of the house due to the rumors.   House Lyrandar   House Lyrandar - the owners of the seas and the skies. Members of House Lyrandar use their powers to harness the air and water elementals to ensure their vessels are faster than any mundane one. They have control of the sea and river trade as well as their new Skyship Enterprise! Though the Skyships are only 10 years old, they are becoming the hottest and fastest way to travel.   Enemies: House Lyrandar's newest Skyship Enterprise threatens House Orien's Lightning Rail.   House Deneith   House Deneith governs the mercenary trade. They focus on brokering services of a wider range of soldiers - even putting together elite teams of fighters and adventurers for those who contact them. Beyond the battlefield, the Defender's Guild of House Deneith works as bodyguards for those who have the coin for their services.   Enemies: the relationship between house Deneith and House Tharashk is tense. House Deneith feels like House Tharashk is stepping on their toes and edging into the mercenary trade.   House Tharashk   The Finder's Guild is home to the best bounty hunters that Khorvaire has ever seen. Most members of House Tharashk and the Finder's Guild will take jobs with no questions asked; this causes many rumors to spread about their members. House Tharashk is the youngest of the Dragonmarked Houses and has ignored the social customs of many of the older houses. For example, the members of other houses often use the last name of the house rather than their family name. Members of House Tharashk often keep their family names.   House Vadalis   The Barons of House Vadalis are expert ranchers producing meat, mounts, and more for the populations of the Five Nations of Khorvaire. It is well known that the Barons from House Vadalis are not interested in the chess-like politics of the other Dragonmarked houses; they prefer to explore and find new beasts. Most members of House Vadalis work with regular beasts such as cattle, different mounts, and hounds. Others, with a more daring side, work with more intelligent beasts like griffons, hippogriffs, giant owls, and even bullettes. More advanced members have entered into the practice of Magebreeding, leading to new ways to create magical creatures or enhance normal animals. Rumors claim that Vadalis has crafted monsters of its own. Some rumors even insist that Vadalis has been trying to Magebreed better humans.   House Jorasco   House Jorasco is the proud owner of the Healer's Guild. Running schools of medicine and houses of healing provide both mundane and magical ways of healing. If there is a way to save a life or a way to enhance it medically, it's tied back to the powerful house of Jorasco. Everything in Khorvaire is a business, including Medicine. If you have the gold, House Jorasco will remove a disease instantly with a spell, but if you don't have the gold, mundane techniques will be used.   House Ghallanda   Nearly every inn, tavern, or restaurant in the official Five Nations of Khorvaire are either directly owned and operated by House Gallanda or by its own Hosteler's Guild. Though few think of House Ghallanda as a powerful house, its members deal in favors. A guild member or house member will always know who to call and will always have favor in their back pocket.   House Kundarak   Members of House Kundarak are considered members of the Defender's Guild. They train as locksmiths, security specialists, and more. They are the keepers of Dreadhold (an infamous prison) along with a number of smaller prisons across Khorvaire. Beyond security services, House Kundarak also has a lot of land in the Mror Holds which include very deep veins of precious metals and stones, giving them the ability to establish a wealthy banking industry in Khorvaire. All bankers and goldsmiths learned their skills at House Kundarak.   Alliances: House Kundarak is aligned with House Sivis, the house of scribing.  
  Sources: Jeremy Crawford, James Wyatt, Keith Baker, Lead Designers. Eberron: Rising from the Last War. Wizards of the Coast, 2019.
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