Chaotic Turbulence Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Aellecia Territories | World Anvil
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Chaotic Turbulence

"Despite numerous rebellions and conflicts, there is one threat that stands above all. Arcane Turbulences are able to shake the very nature of our existence. In doing so, they disrupt everything we have built. They are moments of intense destruction and inescapable creation."
- Professor Hergibald Thornwhistle Head of the Ivrashian Institute for Investigation and Innovation Year 1452


In the aftermath of the Divine Conflict, the massive whirlpool known as the Winding Expanse creates periodic surges of unpredictable arcane interference. While it generates occassional low-level pulses of discord, the more fearsome alternative is its strengthened sibling known as Chaotic Turbulence.   Chaotic Turbulences function with magic much the same way a hurricane functions with weather. During a Chaotic Turbulence, some of the more common side effects are: hurricane-force winds, unpredictable magic, energy surges, tidal waves, and erratic behavior in magical fauna.  

Common Traits of Chaotic Turbulences

A Hurricane with Arcane

The turbulences, sourced directly from the Winding Expanse, carry with them the typical threats of a hurricane. When a Chaotic Turbulence occurs, strong winds, ranging from 75 miles per hour to nearly 200 miles per hour tear through the surrounding areas. Locales on the eastern coasts of the Aellecia Territories usually take the brunt of the damage, as they are nearest to the winding expanse.   These areas are often also plagued by massive tidal waves. As these waves come from the Winding Expanse, they often are charged with mana and do not just cause physical destruction. Wild magic surges and other chaotic effects follow, serving as the namesake of the Turbulences.   This wind brings with it an array of weather. While most often is standard rain, the magical properties of the storm occassionally transmute the precipitation into something else. Alternative options have been recorded as: hail, snow, acid, and even some mix of sludge. Not to mention, each strong gust of wind often brings with it an arcane pulse that alters reality around it.  

Chaos for Magic

It is often recommended that citizens stay inside during a Chaotic Turbulence. The arcane pulses leave the Arcane Weave unstable and chaotic. Not only does this effect the existing structures utilizing magic, but it can also have immediate consequenses. As such, spells cast during an Arcane Turbulence may work very differently from what is initially intended. One of the most direct examples is how a healing spell could end up doing harm instead.   Due to the high density of arcane items in day to day life, it is also likely that during Chaotic Turbulences, standard fixtures are disturbed. Arcane batteries have the potential to overload and discharge in an explosion. It is recommended that all devices that can be powered down are powered down.  

Lingering Magical Disturbances

While arcane pulses are immediately detrimental, an even stronger impact is in the pockets of mana left in their wake. Following arcane pulses, magic can linger in certain areas to create extreme changes. It is unknown what criteria makes these areas more suspectible to the Chaotic Turbulence. Some only have the surge of magic once, while others repeat it every time a disturbance happens.   This has numerous results, which can be seen as either a blessing or a curse. These disturbances have the ability to supercharge the area, making items, beings, local flora and fauna, and even structures gain tremendous power for a brief while. This can make them unstable and unpredictable. In the right hands, these hotspots have been central in developmental leaps. In the wrong hands, it is a tool for destruction.   Additionally, both the surges and these locations of power have an effect on local magical creatures. It can mutate or empower existing creatures. Beings born or created during these surges, specifically in these locations, often have uncharacteristically strong affinities towards magic.  

Ramifications for Society

Magical Disruption

The Chaotic Turbulences create a distinct altering of the Arcane Weave. As such, it can be hard for magic-users to control any type of spell or magic. Oftentimes, rituals or enchantments are disrupted. It is recommended to stop them prior to the surge as it can create erratic results or cause them to fail entirely. Additionally, it can impact standard enchantments that people use for day-to-day activities. As such, it is recommended to avoid using magic altogether during these storms.  

Economic Impact

As much of the Aellecia Territories industry relies on the use of magic, these pulses can lead to temporary economic instability. Trade is halted while the storms are occurring. People rarely work. Full industries are shut down until the storm passes. Depending on the speed of the storm, organizations and individuals may recover at varying speeds.  

Environmental Effects

The environment may change naturally as it would with any storm. Buildings may be destroyed, coastal areas under water, trees levelled. All of these are risks, of course, but pale in comparison to the magical effects. As the storms create zones of wild magic, there often is a massive impact on the surrounding wildlife. Animals and plants can be altered and enhanced. Mana may saturate the space. When mortals explore these areas thereafter, they have an even bigger impacts and can often destroy these habitats.  

Political Ramifications

Security struggles during these times, as traditional magic used for containment may go awry. Additionally, different powers may vie for any number of the enhanced magical resources. Lastly, because of the impact on the economy, world leaders must shift attention to the populace and infrastructure, forgoing any other issues.

Ranking of Chaotic Turbulences

Rank 1: Minor Turbulence

  Wind Speed: 74-110 mph   Magical Unpredictability: Low; minor spell disruptions, slight deviations in magical effects.   Energy Surges: Rare and weak   Environmental Changes: Slight warping of natural laws, creating minor wild magic zones.   Effects on Population: Minor inconveniences, some evacuation of coastal areas.  

Rank 2: Moderate Turbulence

Wind Speed: 110-156 mph   Magical Unpredictability: Moderate; noticeable spell disruptions, spells often backfire or change.   Energy Surges: Frequent and moderate   Environmental Changes: Noticeable warping, creating large wild magic zones.   Effects on Population: Significant disruptions, evacuation of affected areas necessary.  

Rank 3: Major Turbulence

Wind Speed: 157-200mph

Magical Unpredictability: High; significant spell disruptions, spells often produce unintended and dangerous effects.

Energy Surges: Constant and strong

Environmental Changes: Major warping, creating extensive, unstable wild magic zones.

Effects on Population: Major disruptions, large-scale evacuations, economic impact.

Metaphysical, Arcane


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