A Journeyman's unwillingness to wear new boots is well known. Alongside their well used boots there are some robust foot diseases within the Journeyman society. They have tried a number of things to fix it, such as wearing different stockings made of various material, dancing with a Fae, bribing a Magna to smear Gobbet Light on one's feet, etc. Yet the Journeyrot always returns the next time the Journeyman sets out. It was also odd that Journeymen were the only ones to be afflicted with it.
A wise Sage scowled at this Journeyrot problem for a few weeks before he proposed that someone should really take a look at the boots of these afflicted Journeymen. There were very little similarities among them, Journeymen's Boots being as varied as the different Journeymen who stomped about in them. Some large. Some small. Some stiff leather. Some soft. Some buckled. Some laced. All stank.
This stink gave the Sages a clue and they asked a few questions of these afflicted Journeymen.
When'd you buy these boots?
How many journeys have they been on with you?
Do you put anything inside them when you aren't wearing them? You don't? You are always wearing them? Do you ever go on a Journey in different boots? You don't?
You have never gotten new boots since joining the Journeymen?
How many stockings have you gone through? ... How many?
Basically the Sages found out about a Journeyman's "honour" and "loyalty" to their Boots through this foot disease. They made the following ultimatum:
Keep the boot
Keep the rot
The rehabilitation of the loyal Journeymen who have lost their "homes" is the next problem the Sages are working on.
For more info on the Journeymen poke here -> The Journeymen
Keep the Boot
Keep the Rot
A Journeyman's Boot is his dearest friend, indeed his clearest ally. Through his entire life he will have many beds, many roofs and many fireplaces, but his boots will stay with him through them all. A Journeyman's Boot is his home.
~ Sage Timbletown, A Journey Life, 150 AH
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