Dahkor Bone Monks

The Dahkor Bone Monks are a monastic group that resides in the secluded Dahkor Mountains. They are known for their bone magic which grants them exceptional resistance to magic; this fact also makes them coveted assassins against any mage. The monastery they live at is called the Ossien Lamasery and is hidden by magical means from any scrying eye or wayward wanderer. It is estimated that around 200 people live in the Lamasery at any given time, although it varies.  The Lamasery is led by a pair of Consuls: Sin-muballit and Sin-gasit.    Tenets:   Death is Sacred: Death will come to all and is not something to be avoided. Some people deserve death, others deserve the chance to prove they deserve life. No honor in killing a sleeping man. Every death must be a battle.   Strength in Suffering, Power in Perseverance: One must suffer to grow strong; both on their own and sharing in the suffering of their brother. The latter point is how one may trust the decisions of a higher ranking member.   Sovereignty of the Lamasery: The Lamasery and its people are beholden to no foreign powers besides themselves. Servitude to the strength of self will reward the individual in the next life.


The Lamasery follows a strict hierarchical structure, and it is expected that each individual works their best to advance themselves.   Consul The highest ranking in the Lamasery, the two consuls make all the rules and tenets for the members of the Lamasery. They also oversee the appointment of new Praetorians. In order to become a Consul, a Praetorian must complete the Ritual of Despondency.   Praetorian Praetorians are the elite guard of the Lamasery and enforce the ruling of the Consuls. In order to become a Praetorian, a Warden must be selected by the Consul and complete the Ritual of Anguish.   Anchorite Anchorites are the assassins and are the only rank allowed to leave the Lamasery. Their rank exclusively works with the outside world, in a minimal fashion, to broker deals, contracts, and also bring new members into the Lamasery. To become an Anchorite, a Warden or Grunt must complete the Ritual of Lamentation.   Warden Wardens are the defenders of the Lamasery and also the largest rank within the Lamasery. Many of these individuals hunt, farm, and otherwise provide for the everyday needs of those in the Lamasery. Any rank may become a Warden but must complete the Ritual of Moil first.   Grunt Grunts are of the lowest rank within the Lamasery and perform whatever labor or task any higher rank designates them. They either find a higher rank or fall victim to another member of the Lamasery.   Spur Spurs are a unique and rare occurrence, but on the occasion that a new member of the Lamasery is born into it by two members, they are referred to as a spur. These individuals are given until they are 15 to complete the Ritual of Matricide. If they fail, they are often killed.

Pain has sanctified my body such that it shall discern the evil betwixt darkness and light, and tear it asunder.

Hierarchy of Ranks in the Ossien Lamasery
  1. Consul
  2. Praetorian
  3. Anchorite
  4. Warden
  5. Grunt
  6. Spur
Religious, Monastic Order