
An industrious and militaristic maritime city, Northwatch is the home of the Felclorian Navy--a lynchpin of all Felclorian trade by sea--in addition to being the home of several mage academies. Due to the high presence of Okathelian Raiders and Pirates, the navy here is largely employed to escort trade vessels to their intended destination. Some Okathelians who have fled their home end up at Northwatch with hopes of joining one of the academies, which are open to anyone competent enough, for a chance at a better life. Thus, the city has a diverse and divided population: some Felclorians believe the immigrants are a threat, others a tool, and yet others a group in need of saving. The culture of Northwatch is rigorous regardless of which group one belongs to; dock work and shipbuilding are harsh trades but still pale in comparison to the rigor of the mage academies, which are known for being some of the most brutal and competitive in all Felcloria.


53% Human, 24% Greenskin, 6% Half-elf, 5% Dragonborn, 5% Dwarven, 7% Other
Founding Date


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