
Orimear sits at the split of the Spinetack and Clutchkeep Mountains, right at the entrance to The Traveller’s pass. It is by far the easiest and most direct route from Felcloria to the western coast and sees a lot of commerce and travel as a result. A hub for many trades, guilds flourish in Orimear and artisans from races of many kinds make their craft known. The city itself is divided into 5 main districts:
The Traveler’s Way: the location of many inns as well as general stores, joins the roads from north and south and leads them through the pass. Many of the middle class also live along here.
East Quarter: Location of many of the guilds and residence halls, also home to the University of Orimear, and the Orimearian Library
South Quarter: Main marketplace district, extremely busy and always packed with people
North Quarter: Partially within the mountain, this quarter houses many dwarfs and gnomes that have almost formed their own miniature society, they are mostly ostracized, as a result of Lord Marcus Hornthall's influence. Also houses the Third hammer, a guild specializing in weapon and armors of rare materials. Pretty much the slums of the city.
West Quarter: Home to the elite, the government, and city guard, Young Lord Marcus Hornthall sits inside a palace-like building called the Marbled Pavilion.


33% Human, 30% Dwarven, Halfling 8%, Gnome 6%, 4% Dragonborn, 9% Other
Inhabitant Demonym


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