Rarkozzoth the Dreamshaper

Rarokozzoth the Dreamshper is a greater Rakshaha that has lived on Ludera since the creation of the Void. He has used his influence to gain immeasurable power and wealth over the years by masquerading as various powerful individuals through his shapeshifting capablities. As part of his profane crusade against the divine, he has woven a distrust of the otherworldly, be that celestial or demonic, and works to create an atheistic society. He was the sole known Rakshaha on Ludera, having killed any others.  


As a Rakshaha, Rarkozzoth made frequent use of his limited magic immunity to surprise foes before striking quickly with his claws or dagger. Should he attempt a more subtle approach, he possessed powerful mind-altering magic that could charm and incapacitated his foes, making them into allies or easy targets for torture. If ever threatened beyond his ability, he would Plane shift back to his Dreamscape, where he would plot a path of revenge.     *Haladrial was used to help create the Dreamscape, but afterward was attempted to be destroyed, unsuccessfully, during his final days.
Year of Death
1341 P.V.


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