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A contemporary of the Village, Eleznór was also born out of the remnants of The Split. In the years following, Laryn Santolina (she/her) would consolidate her rule over the collection of mansions, burrows, and parkland that once marked the furthest edges of the ancient city of Cedale. Santolina would claim direct descendance from the rulers of the ancient Cedalian empire and establish monarchal rule over Eleznór. This semi-urbanized district is defined by a conviction that what has been lost must be rebuilt under the leadership of the Santolina line. This has contributed to long-standing tensions with the rest of Marsétan, with dozens of armed struggles most notably the War of Three Cities in 173 AS against The Village and The Union.   These days the lush district is the site of a number of naturally magical sites, Santolina Castle, and the Loft of the Ashae. Built by inherited wealth, these days tourism and adventuring are the main economic drivers of the district. Large mansions are interspersed with hills covered in burrows and sections of tightly packed small multi-purpose buildings. Of all the districts, Eleznór is the least urbanized. Instead the district sprawls across a landscape of rolling hills, parks, and ponds. People frequently report bizarre natural phenomenon such as mystical groves and unnaturally deep ponds. The construction heavily relies on one to two story brick buildings, with steep sloped roofs of thatch or wooden shingles. The streets are wind luxuriously through the landscape and it carries a leisurely air. For more on its governance visit Santolina Line.

Landmarks and People

The Loft of the Ashae . Housed in the Nest, a cantilevered building extending out over the Lost, the Loft of Ashae is the premier exploration guild in Marsétan.   Santolina Castle. Santolina constructed at the Northeastern tip of Eleznór houses the Santolina line and is the first line of defense for the district against threats from the Forest.


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