Wander Hin

The Wander Hin is a specific ethnicity of the Hin. It is a name given to all wandering hin since their displacement during the hin civil war. The wander hin are sometimes affectionally called the Free Hin or Summer Hin.   Wander hin are generally braver and more reckless than their Brythaun cousins. Wander hin are always eager to prove themselves in the world of taller races. While wander hin are known to easily mix with other races, often they build small communities where ever they cluster. Many great cities have small hin enclaves some of which even carry legal status.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Rosie, Lily, Madelyn

Masculine names

Boldo, Boppo, Derryl, Frodo, Pepin

Family names

Barrowheel, Riverstrider, Wanderfeet
Encompassed species

Cover image: L'Uomo Vitruviano by Leonardo da Vinci