Acquire Asset

ACQUIRE ASSETS   Gain temporary use of an asset:
  • A contractor (an expert or gang). They show up with reasonable gear equivalent to their Tier.
  • A ground vehicle or legal ship module.
  • One special item, or a set of common items for the whole crew. X A service. Transport from a smuggler or driver, use of a warehouse for temporary storage, legal representation, etc.
  “Temporary use” is one significant period of usage that makes sense for the asset—typically the duration of one job. An asset may also be acquired for “standby” use in the future. You might hire a gang to guard your ship, for example, and they’ll stick around until after the first serious battle, or until a week goes by and they lose interest.    
To acquire the asset, roll crew quality. The result indicates the quality of the asset you get, using the crew’s quality as the base. 

1-3 Quality -1
4/5 Equal
6 Quality +1
Critical  Quality +2

  The GM may set a minimum quality level to acquire a particular asset. For example, if you want to get 51st Legion uniforms and badges, you’d need to acquire a Tier III asset. A lower result won’t do.   If you acquire the same asset again in the future, you get +1d to your roll.   If you want to acquire an asset permanently, you can either gain it as a crew upgrade (using the rules for crew advancement, page 51) or work on it as a long-term project to set up a permanent acquisition.    
Rogan So’Hayan keeps running into the worst the Way has to offer, and decides to acquire some Mystic Ammunition from a pirate bullet maker. When he acquires Mystic Ammunition again, he does so at +1d. The bullet maker knows a good customer and saves the good stuff when he can.   After it proves invaluable, Rogan decides to add it to his gear permanently. After talking with the GM, his player starts an 8-segment long-term project: “Gather Ur-metal Stash to Craft Bullets From.” He can work on it by CONSORTING or SWAYING his mystic goods supplier or rolling his lifestyle level to represent small bits of Ur-metal picked up on the black market.
To acquire the asset, roll crew quality. The result indicates the quality of the asset you get, using the crew’s quality as the base.  
1-3 Quality -1
4/5 Equal
6 Quality +1
Critical Quality +2


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