
Attune to the Way to communicate with non-sentient species or robots; sense unseen danger or killing intent; safely handle Precursor artifacts or remnants.   Details When you ATTUNE to the Way, you open your mind to the galactic energies flowing throughout existence. You might communicate with a non-sentient species or robot. You could safely handle Precursor artifacts or remnants that tap directly into the Way. You might sense unseen danger, or killing intent (though STUDY might be better).   GM QUESTIONS  
  • How do you open your mind to the Way? What does that look like?
  • What energy are you ATTUNING to? What do you hope the energy will do?
  • Does anything about you change when you ATTUNE?
  The Way is a force that all manner of people theorize about. While everyday people are familiar with the idea of the Way, most believe it either to be a natural force trumped up by the Cults or a residual effect of the Ur Precursors and their physics-defying machines. Only those who are exposed to the Way tend to develop a connection.   That doesn’t keep anyone from being attacked by creatures that can partially phase through matter or from suffering the strange and difficult to treat symptoms that come from mishandling Ur artifacts. Being in touch with the Way gives one options where such things are concerned. Over time, that connection can be honed. Any PC can ATTUNE. It’s not a rare supernatural gift, or tied to specific bloodlines. The Way is always there for those with the willingness to push their awareness. Mystics can (and sometimes must) ATTUNE as the action for many of their strange powers, such as Sundering or Kinetics. Without access to the Way, these powers can’t manifest.   The Cults regulate artifacts and mystic power use, declaring anything that changes people both dangerous and forbidden. Be aware that manifesting such powers may put you under a spotlight. Some people will see you as blessed and ask for aid, while others will turn you in to Hegemonic Cults and the System Police for being a threat or menace.


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