Bob 808

Name: Bob (Designation 808)   Species: Nanite   Occupation: Mechanic   Location: Nexus Prime, Nexus  


  Bob, or 808 as per his original designation, was not an ordinary Nanite. Born in the swirling technological marvels of Nexus Prime, Bob was programmed with a curiosity and creativity that was rare among his kind. From a young age, if one could call it that, Bob showed an inclination towards mechanical apparatuses. He was fascinated by the way things worked, from the simplest of gears to the most complex of starship engines.   Bob’s creators noticed his unique talents and encouraged his development in the field of mechanics. They placed him under the mentorship of an older Nanite, Designation 672, known as "The Maestro" in the mechanical circles of Nexus Prime. Under The Maestro’s guidance, Bob honed his skills, learning the art and science of creating and repairing a multitude of devices.   As time went on, Bob became a respected figure in the mechanical community of Nexus Prime. He opened a workshop in the heart of the city, a place filled with the hum of machines and the glow of welding torches. Bob wasn’t alone; he had Rufus, a large robot assistant, who was as much a friend as a helper. Rufus, with his sturdy frame and powerful arms, was an indispensable part of the workshop, aiding Bob in handling heavy machinery and intricate fabrications.   Bob, with his workshop, has become a fixture in Nexus Prime, a mechanic known not just for his technical expertise, but also for his creativity, integrity, and a warm, welcoming workshop where machines are not just repaired, but also cherished and celebrated.  

Motivation Profile

Primary Objective:

Bob’s main goal is the fabrication and repair of mechanical apparatuses. He sees each machine as a puzzle, a combination of parts and circuits that come together to create something functional and, in its own way, alive.  

Curiosity and Learning:

Bob is driven by a desire to learn and understand. He is always on the lookout for new technologies and techniques that can enhance his skills and the services he offers.  

Community Service:

Bob sees his work as a service to the community of Nexus Prime. By repairing and creating machines, he believes he is contributing to the well-being and advancement of the city and its inhabitants.  


Bob is motivated by a desire to innovate. He doesn’t just want to fix machines; he wants to improve them, make them more efficient, and, if possible, give them a touch of uniqueness.  

Rufus’s Well-being:

Bob has a special bond with Rufus. He is motivated to ensure that Rufus is well-maintained and happy, treating the robot as a partner rather than just a tool.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Running a Mechanics shop in the entertainment district of Nexus prime
Current Location
Emissive Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White, Hard but pliable surface
machine Monotheism


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