
Consort with connections from your heritage, background, friends, or rivals to gain access to resources, information, people, or places.   CONSORT When you CONSORT, you socialize with friends and contacts. You might gain access to resources, information, people, or places. You might make a good impression or win someone over with your charm and style. You might make new friends or connect with your heritage or background. You could try to direct your friends with social pressure (but COMMAND might be better).   GM QUESTIONS  
  • Who do you CONSORT with? Where do you meet? What do you talk about?
  • What do you hope to achieve?
  • Why might they do this for you?
  When you CONSORT with someone, you care about what the other person thinks and feels and in turn they care about what you want (at least a tiny bit). You’re being a charming, open, socially adroit person. You can CONSORT with people you already know, or try to “fit in” in a new situation so you make a good impression.   To CONSORT, you need an environment that isn’t totally hostile. You might CONSORT with the Legionnaires doing a routine sweep of ships in the area (a desperate situation, to be sure), but it’s usually hopeless to CONSORT with the assassin sent to murder you. When you CONSORT with people related to your background or heritage, you can expect a better position and/or increased effect.   You might be forced to CONSORT in an unfamiliar situation in order to create an opportunity for another action. For instance, if you want to talk to Governor Malklaith at a party, you’ll have to at least try to CONSORT with the other guests to make your way his table. COMMANDING or SWAYING are options, sure, but expect a rather sudden escalation of trouble if things go badly.


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