
DOCTOR When you DOCTOR, you attend to the needs of another by lending aid and comfort, or you look scientifically at the world. You might treat someone’s injuries. You might analyze a substance’s composition to learn how it functions. You might comfort someone in distress (but CONSORT might be better).   GM QUESTIONS
  • How do you attend to the patient in your care? What tools might be required to do so?
  • What do you want their treatment to do?
  • What information are you hoping to discover? What tools can you apply to the problem?
  When you DOCTOR someone, you can tend to both physical and emotional wounds. You take responsibility for your patient’s well-being, and seeing to their physical and psychological needs.   You can doctor someone to connect with them and ease their fears. It can be more appropriate to co nsort when the relationship is equal, or swa y if you’re trying to manipulate them or lie to them, but doctori ng is appropriate for giving advice and easing concerns.    To doctor , you need to establish some level of control over your subject. You can doctor a patient in a med bay, or analyze a compound with a chemical analyzer. You can try to doctor someone to help them shake off the effects of Way influences (though command or attune may be more appropriate). When you doctor with the perfect tools, you can expect a better position and/or increased effect. You can doctor someone to forcibly administer drugs or handle a hostile patient. In these situations, the subject must be vulnerable in some way. For instance, you may need to skulk up to a pirate before injecting them with a knock-out drug, or pin a hallucinating patient with scrap before giving them an antidote. Be mindful: doctoring an unwilling patient can ruin relationships permanently.


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